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  Her vision was blurry and she had beer streaming down her face. She wiped her eyes and her hand came back bloody. That set her off. Fear started coursing through her. She started crying and shaking and she knew she had to get out of there so she ran. She ran out the door and down the street to the only place she felt truly safe, Jace's house. She ran the bell hoping it was Jace that answered. She didn't know what time it was but she didn't need to bother anyone else. She knew Jace truly cared about her and that he would be furious at first but calm down eventually and she needed him right now.
   The Lightwoods were eating dinner when the doorbell rang and rang and rang.
   "Now who could that be?" Maryse said "you would think our neighbors could respect meal times"
   "I'll get it mum!" Max said excitedly, he loved visitors.
    "Max please. Eat your carrots" it was Robert now. Max was always avoiding his vegetables. "Jace would you get the door?"
    "Sure thing" he said and he walked over to their front door.
   When he opened it her saw the red hair and relaxed. He always felt better around her not so uneasy like usual. Then he looked lower and saw blood running down the side of her face from a gash above her eye. She was crying and he knew she wouldn't answer any questions so he pulled her into his chest with one arm and they walked to the entrance of the dinning room.
   "I'm finished with dinner. I'll be down to do the dishes when you're all finished, please excuse me." And with that he lead Clary down the hall to the bathroom.
   She sat on the toilet top while Jace rummaged trough cabinets they had already washed away the dried blood. He pulled out cotton balls and alcohol.
   "Hold still, this is going to sting a little." He poured the alcohol on the cotton ball and dabbed it on the cut trying to ignore the sharp intake of breath from Clary. When he was done he put a bandaid over it and kissed her forehead. "There. All better"
   Clary didn't understand why Jace was so nice to her. She didn't deserve him but she guessed she was just too selfish to care. She could see the love he had for her reflected in his eyes. It made her want to kiss him so bad, so she did. She grabbed his shirt, pulled him forward, and kissed him. It was gentle but needy. She needed him. She loved him and she wanted him to know it. She ran her fingers through his hair and tugged lightly on the short golden curls. He liked her lips slowly asking for permission which she gladly gave him by opening her mouth. There was a knock at the that made them pulled apart.
   "Jaceeee" the little boy, Max, whined "hurry up I gotta go!"

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