Beginning Of The End

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   After the heavy make out session Clary made Jace go home. She knew he didn't want to leave her alone but she didn't want him there when Valentine returned from work so she literally pushed him out the door and only let him back in for one goodbye kiss. The idea of being Jace girlfriend hadn't really sunken in yet but Clary knew that kissing him was her little piece of heaven she just hated that she had to keep it secret and she hated that her happiness would be shirt lived.
   Her father burst through the door "Why are you just sitting around? You worthless shit go fix my dinner!"
   Clary scrambled off the couch still half limping to the kitchen she grabbed the soup simon brought her and stuck the Tupperware in the microwave. She grabbed a beer from the fridge. Beer and soup it's disgusting but her father always needed a beer when he got home if she didn't bring him one she'd in trouble.
   Valentine grabbed the beer and motioned for Clary to set the soup down in front of him at the table. He took a gulb from his bottle. Clary spilled a drop of soup on Valentines hand and he pulled back from the burning sensation. He reached back and slapped Clary in the face hard. Her neck snapped to the side and she stumbled back.
   "You clumsy bitch! Look what you've done! Get out of my sight"
   Clary turned to walk away only to be called again. She turned around to see what her father wanted now when she was struck in the forehead with his beer bottle.

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