||How To Steal A Happy Ending: Step Two||

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With the intimidating task of meeting him and the initial awkwardness out of the way, it should just be smooth sailing from here on out, right? Wrong.

Any happy ending worth its salt is always preceded by a climax. And you can't have a climax, without conflict.

No, we're not telling you drop yourself into the middle of an action-packed bank heist (at the same time we're not exactly advising against it; they don't say adrenaline is the best aphrodisiac for nothing).

All you really have to do is get into a fight with your guy (preferably many). And, after a few terse moments, make up (preferably by making out).

Or alternatively, you could begin with "hating his guts" and then gradually work towards "can't keep my hands off of him" (in a non-violent way of course).

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