||How To Steal A Happy Ending: Step Five||

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So you've come this far; you've got your guy, sparks flew, and you've put off admitting that you're into him till the last possible minute. In short, you've followed the formula to the T and you're all set to receive that happily ever after with arms wide open.

But lo and behold! Someone's beat you to it. So now what? Give up? Start over?

If this were simply a How To for happy endings, the answer to those would be yes. But lucky for you, you've bought the guide to STEALING them. So what if there's another girl? Competition is healthy.

Besides, any drama is good drama and drama is always followed by a happy ending.

So how should one go about this seemingly gigantic task of wrenching two hearts apart? Well, it's actually quite simple.

You just add another variable (or several) to our time honored equation, preferably good looking ones. We guarantee that this lovely young couple will soon split wider than the grand canyon.

Because, my dear reader, hearts are so very fickle; they're always on the lookout for a better place to hide.

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