Chapter 6: Reasons

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Frexspar Thropp was an interesting man.  He had two daughters; one a cripple and one verdant.  He was highly religious, and that impacted his behavior and most of his decisions.  He, for the Unnamed God's sake, rejected and had tried many times to disown his green child.  For many years, he had taught Elphaba to see herself as inferior and, even, to hate who she was.  He had also tried to bring the green "devil" out of her by sticking her arm in a bucket of water, knowing that it would cause her pain.  Frexspar looked for every opportunity to scorn and punish his eldest, which is why he accepted the invitation to visit Shiz that Saturday afternoon.


Two very different girls sat in their room, both pondering what they would do next. 

"I'm going to see him." Elphaba said suddenly, standing up from her bed.

"Elphaba! Why? Don't make a decision without thinking it through."

"Because, Galinda, I have thought it through. And I want to get it over with." Determination was clear in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Well at least let me come with you!" Galinda said, also getting up.

They went down the hallways again, and entered the cafeteria where all of the other students had decided to eat lunch that day.  Elphaba spotted her father, standing in a corner, talking to his beloved daughter Nessarose.  She took a shaky breath, and with that, walked over to Frexspar.

"Father," she greeted stiffly, standing up a little straighter.

He immediately turned around, disappointment and disapproval evident in his expression.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my other daughter."

"Nice to see you too." Elphaba replied coldly.

"Now that's no way to treat your father." Frexspar said, his voice dangerously quiet. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Getting lunch, like a normal person."

Frexspar's checks grew hot with anger, and he, out of instinct, slapped his daughter across the face.  Elphaba flinched and retreated, hand automatically feeling her cheek.  There would definitely be a bruise of some sort.

"YOU WILL NEVER BE NORMAL! Look at yourself! You're green, for the Unnamed God's sake! DO NOT DISRESPECT YOUR FATHER! Foolish girl! You will never learn."

By this time, the whole cafeteria had gone completely silent.  You could hear a pin drop.  Frexspar then stormed out of the room, leaving a stunned group of students to finish their lunches in silence, including Nessa.

Elphaba stalked out the cafeteria, Galinda not far behind her, but she had to walk twice as fast; her legs were shorter than Elphaba's.  They only stopped when they were back to their room, and the door was shut and locked.  Elphaba was close to tears, and Galinda could tell, even with Elphaba's practice of hiding her emotions, which she had learned to do over the years.

Elphaba sat down on her bed, focusing on the hardwood floor to try to hold back the flood of emotions that were weighing down on her, threatening to press down, and eventually, break her.

"Elphie," Galinda started timidly. She had never seen her best friend like this.

"What." Elphaba's voice cracked slightly at the end of the forced word.

"It's ok to cry, you know."

"No, it's not. Not for me." Elphaba shifted uncomfortably, scooting farther back in her bed.

"Well, why not?"

"Because, Galinda. Tears burn my face, and if I ever so much as shed one tear in front of my father, he would beat me senseless."

"Elphaba," Galinda walked over to Elphaba's bed, sitting down next to her. She then embraced her verdant roommate, noticing her tense and uncomfortable posture as she wrapped her arms around her. "You are strong, and smart, and beautiful, and you wouldn't hurt a fly. You will get through this."

Galinda felt tears start to fall down her back. Elphaba was crying. The few tears turned to sobs as the green girl shook in her arms, gasping for breath in between the unwanted outbursts.

Elphaba pulled away from the warm embrace, turning her head so Galinda wouldn't see the red marks that streaked down her cheeks. The attempt was futile.

"Elphaba Thropp. Look at me."

Slowly, Elphaba turned her head and met Galinda's gaze. Her heart fluttered. And so did her blonde friend's. Softly, gently, Galinda made a bold move she has been wanting to for so long. She pressed her lips to verdant ones. Elphaba was the first one to pull back from the kiss. Her eyes were glazed over with fear and uncertainty.

"G-g- Galinda." She said, backing away towards the door. "You don't have to pity me like that. I'm not worth your time."

She grabbed her cloak and ran out the door, trying in vain to run away from her emotions.

Galinda was left stunned and motionless, staring after her friend.


Elphaba ran. She ran, and ran, and ran. She ran from her fears. She ran from all emotion and feeling she had ever experienced. She ran after her father had beaten her. She had ran after her sister made cruel remarks about her. And now she ran from the undeniable love she felt for her roommate. For Galinda Upland, of the Upper Uplands, of the Arduenna Clan.

She ran until she reached a familiar walnut tree, and she sat underneath it. Elphaba loved being in nature, where no one could laugh, point, or whisper behind, or in front of, her back. So the green girl was left alone, under a walnut tree, to sort out her thoughts.

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