Chapter 7: For the Better

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Galinda sat down in her bed once again, still too shocked to rationally think or act.
Pity? You think I kissed you because I pity you?

The silence in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Unable to stand sitting anymore, Galinda got up and paced, hoping only that Elphaba could come to a completely different conclusion of why she had kissed her.


Elphaba had been thinking for a long while.  She thought about Galinda's motives to kiss her, as well as why she had not pulled away.  Elphaba had come to a conclusion.  If Galinda was there to kiss her out of pity, then she would have pulled back immediately.  She had not.  For the first time in an hour, Elphaba looked up at the sky.  Since she had been in such deep thought, she had not noticed how the sky had clouded over, and now looked as though it was going to rain.

Wait... no... it can't rain. No, I'll be stuck out here and no one will be able to find me and... Galinda.

That one name was what brought Elphaba out of her complete state of panic. She got up and hurried to get back to her dorm. About halfway there, raindrops started to fall. Elphaba started to run, but wasn't quick enough. The small drops of water that now surrounded her burned and stung her skin every time they came in contact with her. As she reached her dorm, she was stopped. Elphaba didn't know she was nervous. about talking to Galinda again until she was right outside of their door. Pushing, all thoughts of fear away, Elphaba opened the door and instantly saw her blonde roommate sitting on the bed. She'd been crying; her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

"Galinda..." Elphaba rushed over to her roommate and reached out to comfort her.
"No, you don't get to talk to me.  You pushed me away, without even-"

That's when Galinda noticed the faint red marks and streaks on Elphaba's arms.

"Elphie, what happened to you?"

"You know how I said I was allergic to water? Well, I lost track of time and got caught in the rain."

Galinda immediately felt terrible.  She was the reason Elphaba had left in the first place. The blonde started to cry, while frantically muttering apologies.

"E-E-Elphaba, I'm so s-sorry, I didn't even realize that it was raining, oh t-this is all my fault, I-I can get your oils, just t-tell me where you keep th-"

Her apologies were cut off with Elphaba gently, sweetly, pressing her lips against hers. After she removed them (reluctantly), Elphaba embraced her smaller roommate.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize. If anything, it's my fault, I was the one who ran away. Now, I don't want to hear anymore about this, I'm going to put some oil in my burns, come back, and we're going to get some sleep. It's been a very long day for the both of us." Elphaba spoke softly, and broke the embrace, heading to the bathroom.
Galinda stood there shocked for a moment, unable to say anything; she was full of relief and was comforted by Elphaba's sweet words. She laid down in her bed, and Elphaba came back and laid in hers. Elphaba then proceeded to turn of the light.

"Elphie?" Galinda's voice was small, and almost pleading.

"Yes, my sweet?"

"Can you sleep with me, just for tonight?"

Galinda then heard a little rustling from the other bed, and then felt a weight on the other side of her bed.

"I love you, Elphaba," Galinda whispered, hoping she wouldn't get a negative reaction.

"The feeling is reciprocated."

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