Chapter 11: Unwelcome

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"Galinda, darling, are you hurt?" Galinda's mother inquired worriedly as she held the cafe door open. "You seem to be limping a little bit."

"I - no, it's nothing, Momsie," Galinda covered quickly. "I just...tripped over a staircase and twisted my ankle. It's fine, really."

It was a slightly better excuse than before, but Larena's slightly suspicious expression showed that she wasn't totally convinced. However, she changed the subject, and soon they were chattering politely about the weather and what they were going to order on the menu.

Elphaba had been extremely nervous, but after a few minutes sitting in the cute little cafe with Galinda and her parents, she felt quite at ease. Galinda was right; her parents were so friendly and welcoming Elphaba almost felt like they were her parents as well.

The food arrived, and both girls dug in. It was delicious. The sunlight streaming through the large windows and the tantalizing smells coming from the kitchen made for a cozy, relaxed atmosphere.

"So, how has school been going?" Galinda's mother bubbled.

"Oh, you know,," Galinda said nonchalantly. "But, Elphie here has been really helping me out. Why, she's the reason I've even thought about studying for the biology test this early!"

"You sound like a wonderful student, and a wonderful influence on our dear daughter as well," Galinda's father chuckled. "Your parents must be so proud of you, Elphaba."

Elphaba shuddered involuntarily at the mention of her father. Frexspar? Proud of her? She couldn't possibly imagine that. She tried to smile to reassure Galinda's parents, but had to stare at the ground to compose herself, heart beating frantically.

"Oh yes, Elphie does so well at school, it's amazing how smart she is," Galinda said quickly to cover, taking Elphaba's hand under the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Elphaba took a couple deep breaths, allowing herself to calm down.

"I'm sorry, did I..." Galinda's father trailed off, looking a bit confused.

"It's nothing," Elphaba said. "I just...bit my tongue."

"So, how has it been at home, Popsicle?" Galinda changed the subject. Galinda's father was only too happy to tell them all about his business at home, and the conversation went smoothly after that.

Everyone finished their food not too long after, and they were just getting ready to go when there was a commotion near the door - a crowd of people was gathering. As the door opened, the girls could see that Fiyero was its leader. He strode confidently towards their table, pausing for a split second to shoot Elphaba a look of disdain. Then he turned his full attention to Galinda, giving her his brightest smile.

"Fiyero, what are you doing here?" Galinda asked, confused. He bent down closer to her, and she tried to surreptitiously move backwards just the tiniest bit.

"Why, I heard that your parents are in town, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to ask you," he beamed.

"Ask me...what?" Galinda said with a frown.

"Haven't you heard? There's a dance down at the Ozdust Ballroom this weekend. I know it's short notice, but I couldn't just let fate slip me by. Galinda, you must accompany me to this dance." He produced a bouquet of roses from god-knows-where, sticking them in Galinda's face with that arrogant smirk. Galinda instantly felt revulsion spring up in the pit of her stomach. He was looking at her just like she was prey to conquered.

"Oh, Galinda! How cute!" Larena squealed. At that moment, Galinda felt the exact opposite. More people filed into the restaurant - Galinda recognized her former friends, Pfannee and ShenShen, and some of Fiyero's, Avaric and Crope, among many others. She was cornered.

"Say yes, Galinda! It'll be so much fun!" ShenShen urged from the sidelines. Horror dawned on Galinda as she realized that, for now, it was the only option. There was no way she could refuse, not now, with this many people watching. Telling them the truth, about her and Elphaba, was impossible.

Galinda took a deep breath, recoiled in her chair from Fiyero's insufferable gaze. Under the table, she felt for a brief second as Elphaba caught hold of her hand, and this time, Elphaba was the one squeezing Galinda's hand. I understand, she was saying.

Galinda took a deep breath, wishing for all the world that she had another option. "Yes, I'll go with you to the dance," she mumbled.

Fiyero instantly jumped up and pulled Galinda to her feet, smiling even wider, if that was even possible. "Fantastic! Oh, I knew we were perfect together!"

He went for a full kiss on the lips, in front of everyone, who was cheering wildly. Galinda, who felt as if a massive void had opened in her chest, decided that a kiss would be too far, and nimbly dodged it, so they ended up in an awkward hug. Fiyero released her, still beaming.

"I'll be seeing you at eight o'clock on the day of the dance, then," he said, and left the cafe, along with his entourage.

Galinda and Elphaba returned to their dorm together, after Galinda's parents left to go back to the hotel they were staying at. As soon as they got back, Galinda flopped down on the bed and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Oh, Galinda, don't!" Elphaba said, rushing over to her.

"I...I should've refused," Galinda mumbled. "If I could've just rejected him...!"

"He knew you would say no unless he brought all of his friends with him," Elphaba said, sitting down next to Galinda and putting her arms around her. "It's not your fault. There wasn't anything we could do."

"What are we going to do now?!" Galinda cried. "I'm stuck with him!"

Elphaba sat there for a few minutes, thinking. Then a smile spread across her face, and she nodded to herself. "I know what we can do."


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