Chapter 9: Confrontation

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Galinda Upland wasn't exactly sure how this was going to be done, but she was certain it was going to happen. She couldn't let the father of her closest companion treat her like she was absolutely nothing. So, when Elphaba had forbid her from confronting her father, it was just obvious to Galinda that she had to.

And after five hours of literally sitting in her bed watching her roommate study, Galinda had come up with a plan.

When Elphaba would (finally) fall asleep, Galinda would sneak away and walk to the inn where Galinda knew Elphaba's father would be residing. After confronting him, hopefully painlessly, and in-and-out type of situation, Galinda would quietly return to her dorm room. If all would go according to plan, Elphaba would never know what happened.

Galinda was interrupted from her thoughts by Elphaba speaking.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Oh yes, just perfect!" Galinda replied, although maybe a bit too bubbly.

Elphaba eyed her with a curious, if still suspicious look.

"Whatever you say, my sweet."

"Hey Elphie, you should really be getting some sleep, I wouldn't want you to be so stressed out about this test you have to take, after all, 'it's only forty-eight hours until we have to take this test,'" Galinda said, thoroughly amused by her own cleverness.

"Fine," Elphaba said, biting back a smile, also amused at her roommate's tactics.

And so, true to Elphaba's word, the two got ready for bed. In the end, (they wrote eighty-five essays, in the span of six months HAHAHAAA oops sorry I'm actally hamiltrash) only one of the girls ended up sleeping that night.

Around one in the morning, Galinda quietly grabbed an extra coat off her nightstand, which she had purposely placed there the night before. Galinda knew that if Frexspar was anything at all like his daughter, he would be awake at such an hour. She slipped out the door, and headed in the direction of the inn. After around twenty minutes of walking, she arrived on the cobblestone entryway of the hotel.

Heading into the lobby of the Wildwood Inn was daunting, even for a very social girl like Galinda. It was no mystery that Frexspar Thropp had money, and it was even more obvious with him staying at this place. It was fancy. There were decorative chandeliers, and classy curtains and rugs. Even in the early hours of the morning, there was still a good amount of people milling around the lobby. Quickly, Galinda determinedly stalked over to the front desk, and gracefully did so, which was surprising since she was weaing high heels.

"Excuse me, is Frexspar Thropp here?" Galinda questioned, as politely as possible, since it was one thirty in the morning. Galinda Upland needed her sleep.

"Yes ma'am, floor 5, room 2951. (lol did anyone get that I really don't care bc that's not how hotel numbers work but whatever I amused myself)

"Okay, thank you," Galinda said with a forced smile. Although she would never admit it, she was nervous about this confrontation.

After stepping out of the elevator, Galinda walked down the hallway, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She came to the door of room number 2951. Taking a deep breath in, she knocked.

Frexspar opened the door almost immediately.

"What are you doing here?" He snarled, his voice ice cold.

"I wanted to have a conversation with you, civilly, if at all possible." Galinda responded, giving him a small, yet nervous smile.

"Alright, so be it. Come in." Frexspar said, although there was still an edge to his voice.

Galinda chose to sit on the small love seat, while Frex sat on a chair opposite from her.

"What matter to you wish to discuss with me."

"Well, you see, the way you treat your daughter is simply unacceptable." Galinda thought that her blunt honesty would be her best option to get Frexspar to listen to her, and maybe, just maybe, make him start to think that he was wrong about Elphaba.

Frexspar's expression immediately turned from tolerant, to hard as stone.

"There is nothing wrong with the way I treat my daughter. She is a freak of nature, and that's how she needs to be taught, if she'll ever learn to live in society. Besides, she is absolutely worthless to me, and to everyone who meets her."

"Enough! Elphaba is not worthless, she is not worthless to me, she is not worthless to Shiz, she is the smartest student in the entire school! She is indispensable in my life, she is my best friend! Does that sound like worthless to you? Maybe she would think she was worth more and had more self-confidence if you and you A+ parenting were a little better!"

"Don't you ever speak to me like that! You don't get to decide my choice of parenting, she isn't your child to raise in a cruel world like this one!"

The next thing she knew, Galinda's back was hitting the wall, and she crumpled to the floor. Frexspar had shoved her into the wall.

Luckily, Galinda didn't feel any more pain than a sprained ankle.

"The only cruelty in the world is the people like you." Galinda spat, and tried her very best to storm out of the room with the sharp pain in her ankle with every step she took.

Well that escalated quickly.

Hey, sorry for not updating in a while, just haven't really been feelin it. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments, and special thanks to seabagel Harley-Quinn-Doll and Organ777 for being lil cinnamon rolls in the comments:)

OH and also thanks Horsantula you da best


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