Chapter 13: Starlight

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Galinda ran until she was sure no one was following her. She stopped and paused against a wall, finding her bearings. She was in one of the numerous dark corridors off the ballroom, and there was no one around except for the occasional harried waiter.

It was so quiet that, over the muffled music in the distance, Galinda could hear her own breathing. Reaching downwards, she tore off one of the spangled silver high heels she had been wearing, and chucked it against the wall. It felt satisfying, so she jettisoned the other one too.

I could've just said no in the first place, then this whole mess wouldn't have happened.

Grudgingly, she walked over to the opposite wall, the tile floor cold against her bare feet, to retrieve her shoes.

I should find Elphaba and apologize.

She wondered what was happening back in the ballroom. Pfannee and ShenShen would definitely have told Fiyero what had happened, and they would be wondering what was responsible for her change of heart. They would never understand.

The old Galinda popped up for a second, asking, But what about your reputation? She quashed the thought as soon as it came up. It didn't matter anyway.

Footsteps approached from the end of the hallway. Panic seized Galinda's heart for a split second, but as she whirled around, she recognized that there could only be one possible person standing there with that green shade of skin.

"Elphie," Galinda breathed, and before Elphaba could open her mouth to reply Galinda had seized her shoulders and pulled her into a kiss.

That one moment made the whole evening worthwhile. Kissing Elphaba, Galinda could almost forget the chain of events that had made this moment possible. Pulling away, she gazed at her face, trying to drink in those deep brown eyes, the reassuring smile, even the green skin she had grown to love.

Elphaba smiled, pushing a lock of Galinda's hair out of her face. "Pretty bad, huh?"

"It was horrible," Galinda said, doing up her shoes. "Fiyero wouldn't stop flirting with me...Pfannee and ShenShen insulted you...I couldn't stay there one moment more."

Elphaba took Galinda's hand with a smile. "In that case, I know the perfect place to go. I was looking for a place to study earlier this year, and I just stumbled upon...well, I'll show you."

Galinda was only too happy to follow her through the dark hallways, lit only by the few flickering sconces. As the music from the ballroom grew ever fainter, Galinda could feel her pulse relaxing, and she began to feel more like herself again. Elphaba reached the end of a hallway, and pushed open a door to reveal a staircase.

"Where are we going?" Galinda asked, her voice echoing eerily in the empty space.

"You'll see," Elphaba said. She pulled Galinda up a couple more flights, walking fast. Galinda stumbled on a step, but Elphaba steadied her with a firm arm around her waist. "Careful."

Finally, after Galinda thought she was going to collapse if she climbed one more stair, Elphaba opened a door and led her through it. Instantly, there was a burst of crisp, night air, perfumed with the sweet scent of flowers.


"It's a balcony," Elphaba explained. "Let's sit down somewhere."

The girls found a comfy sofa on which to sit, and Galinda laid her head on Elphaba's lap. The night was tranquil and calm and very clear. The moon shone bright in the sky, which was dotted with millions of stars. Elphaba ran her fingers through Galinda's hair as they sat there, silently.

"I'm sorry," Galinda blurted. "I should've said no to him. I should've been brave enough to refuse tell him the truth."

"Galinda, it's okay. Just forget about Fiyero. Nothing he does can hurt us now, okay?"

"Yes, I suppose." Galinda paused as she thought of how to approach the subject that had been nagging at her the whole evening. "Elphie...I think we need to tell my parents about us."

"Of course."

"But...that's not all. I think they could help you with your father."

"What? My f-father?" For the first time that night, Elphaba seemed uncertain.

"Look, Elphie. I don't want you to be scared of him anymore. Someone needs to make him stop, and if we get my parents to confront him, he'll have no choice but to listen."

"They don't need to...It's fine," Elphaba said, her voice growing more distant.

Galinda sat up. "No. I think this might be the only situation. Don't you agree? Don't you want your father to get what he deserves?"

Elphaba turned her face away, but after a few seconds, Galinda saw her give an almost imperceptible nod.

"Yes. I...thank you, Galinda."

"You know I'd do anything for you."

Elphaba chuckled. "That is quite clear."

"...Oh! I almost forgot!" Galinda bent her head forward and began to fiddle with something on the back of her neck.

"What is it?" Elphaba asked, watching curiously.

"Here." Galinda removed a silver chain from around her neck and held it out in her palm. It was simple and elegant, with a heart pendant. "You remember that day not too long ago, when you saved me in that alley from those men?"

"Yes, I do."

"I had bought you some things before that all happened. This was one of them. And I forgot to give them to you afterwards. So I brought this tonight, because I thought it might be the perfect time."

"Oh, Galinda..." Elphaba smiled as Galinda reached forward and secured the chain around her neck. "You are too good to me."

"Nonsense, you deserve every bit of it!" Galinda protested as Elphaba pulled her close. "And tomorrow, we'll make sure your father gets what is coming to him."

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