Chapter 12: Irrevocable

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The day of the dance came all too soon. Before the girls knew it, they were standing in front of the mirror, getting ready for the night. Galinda's stomach was twisted in knots. If only she was going with Elphaba, then everything would be okay.

"Look at me, Elphie," Galinda said, and Elphaba turned towards her girlfriend. She was holding a brush in her hand.

"What is that for...?" Elphaba asked cautiously.

"Why, I'm doing your makeup, silly!" Galinda said, brushing Elphaba's hair, out of her face as she started to apply some product.

"No, you don't have to," Elphaba started, but Galinda laid a finger on her lips.

"You're coming, so you have to look your best! Besides, my parents already bought a dress for you - they insisted on it."

"That's very nice of them," Elphaba said, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of Galinda's gentle hands.

"Without you, I don't know how I'm going to survive the evening," Galinda said. "I'll stay with Fiyero as briefly as possible, and then we can run off somewhere. But stay close to me, because if anyone tries to bully you I'll make sure they stop."

Shortly after, the girls left for the dance. Galinda's parents had insisted on buying the girls dresses for the night, and they had a very similar fashion sense to their daughter. Elphaba was wearing a graceful, sleek black dress with a sequin-covered neckline. Galinda's dress was powder blue with a layered skirt covered in sparkles. However, the girls' excitement was dampened somewhat by the thought of Fiyero.

"If he tries anything funny, I'll make sure he stops immediately," Elphaba reassured her girlfriend as they walked up the path to the Ozdust Ballroom.

"Thank you, Elphie. I know you will," Galinda said, offering her girlfriend one last kiss on the cheek before bracing herself to open the door to the building.

Fiyero was standing in the foyer, that annoying smirk on his face. He beamed once he saw Galinda and strode over, taking her by the hand.

"My dear Galinda, at last the time has come. We are finally together."

Galinda shot a desperate glance at Elphaba as Fiyero pulled her away. Elphaba waited a second before following behind within a few paces. If Fiyero tried to hurt her girlfriend, he would find himself in serious trouble.

"Let's dance, Galinda," Fiyero said, leading her out onto the dance floor in the middle of the ballroom. An orchestra was stationed on one side. Galinda knew how to dance. As part of her upbringing, she'd had to take lessons when she was very young.

Fiyero put an arm around her waist and another on her shoulder, and they began to step to the beat. Admittedly, he wasn't a bad dancer, but Galinda was busy trying not to cringe at the feel of his touch. Looking past Fiyero, Galinda caught a glance of Elphaba lurking at the end of the ballroom, from behind a pillar. Elphaba caught her eye and waved quickly.

A couple more songs passed. Galinda tried to block out where she was and think of something else, but Fiyero's constant chatter made it almost impossible.

"You look lovely tonight, Miss Galinda. The blue in that dress really brings out your eyes."

"My, what a good dancer you are. You must have taken lessons sometime."

"Isn't this music wonderful? It's the perfect music for dancing with a beautiful girl."

Galinda tried her best to tune him out, putting on a bland face while they whirled about the dancefloor. A few more agonizing songs later, Fiyero, perhaps sensing her disdain, wrapped an arm around her waist and suggested, "What do you say to a few refreshments?"

Galinda nodded distractedly, focusing her gaze down at the floor. She could feel Fiyero's smug eyes on her. Fiyero led her over to one of the large tables beside the dancefloor, where several of his friends (and Galinda's ex-friends) were sitting.

"Ga-LIN-da! You look sooooooo goooood!"

Pfannee hurled herself at Galinda in a sad attempt at a hug. Galinda gingerly received it.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"How'd you manage to score this hottie, huh?" ShenShen squealed, leaning across the table that Fiyero, his friends, and Galinda were all sitting at. "I swear, you've bewitched him! He won't stop talking about you!"

"And that dress!" Pfannee chimed in. "You look ab-SO-lutely marvelous!"

"Yes, the night's going perfectly," Fiyero oozed. "Why don't I get you something to drink, Miss Galinda?"

Fiyero left the table and made his way over to the punch table. Pfannee and ShenShen enviously watched him go.

"He is soooo cute!"

"Yeah, you're so lucky, Galinda!"

They turned their expectant eyes on her. There was an awkward silence in which Galinda steadfastly avoided their gaze and stared instead at the tablecloth.

"Galinda, what's wrong? You're unusually quiet," Pfannee said.

"Don't tell us you're not enjoying yourself! The cutest boy at the entire dance is all yours!" ShenShen added. "And that annoying green...freak who's been following you around is gone! You should be happy!"

Galinda bit her lip so hard it started to bleed. An immense, burning hatred rose up inside her. She knew then that she couldn't take any more of their, and Fiyero's, presences. She was changed, she realized, irrevocably. All because of Elphaba Thropp, who had shown her what friendship, and now love, really was.

Galinda slowly rose from her seat, raising her eyes to meet ShenShen's. "No, I'm not. I have to go. Don't you, or Fiyero, dare follow me."

With newfound power in her steps, she strode out of the ballroom, ignoring the shocked expressions and whispers that she left in her wake.

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