Chapter 8: The Unknown

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The following morning, the two roommates acted as if nothing had happened.  But it had.  And they knew it. 

"Elphie, do you want to go get some breakfast?" Galinda asked.

"Sure," Elphaba replied, and they walked down the corridor and across campus to the cafeteria. 

The very cafeteria where my best friend (maybe more?) was slapped by her own father.

For some odd reason, Galinda Upland couldn't get that thought out of her mind as she sat down with her waffle, which was piled high with whipped cream and strawberries.  She had been thinking a great deal on how Elphaba's father had abused, both verbally and mentally, his own child.  She was absolutely disgusted. 

How could he do such a thing?

Galinda's parents certainly never had.  She was grateful for that, and only just realized how much they had spoiled her while she was growing up.  She had always gotten what she wanted, and was almost never reprimanded too harshly, except for the occasion in which Galinda, being only five years old, had loudly questioned why there were two boys holding hands in a restaurant on a night out with her parents.  Her father had immediately taken her outside, and scolded her for her remark.  Galinda now clearly understood the reason for his chastising.  After all, here she was, kissing her roommate.  Her green, smart, caring, and misunderstood roommate, and Galinda wished that everyone could see the beauty and compassion in Elphaba.  Especially Elphaba's father. 

Galinda's deep thought was interrupted by Elphaba's voice.

"Galinda, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?" Elphaba pushed, curiosity piqued.

"Nothing," replied the blonde, although a bit too quickly.  "It's just, you know what? Never mind, it's stupid."

"Don't say that.  There is no stupid opinion or question, just stupid people who say them, and you, my dear, are definitely  not stupid." Elphaba said, her lips quirking up into a smile.

"Elphaba, I've been thinking a lot about your father, what he did to you."

"You know that's unimportant, he's been that way ever since I was born."  Elphaba said, a bit defensively.

"But it's wrong, and I think you know that, and just don't want to admit it."  Galinda fired back, with a spark of passion in her eyes.

Elphaba sighed. "Look. I know you think it's important. However, I absolutely do not want you acting on your automatic impulse of protectiveness, to mess with a man who could hurt you just as much, if not more, of what he inflicted on me. You will not be hurt on my watch."  There was an edge to her voice, and Galinda understood that it wasn't anger; it was fear.  Elphaba wasn't angry at her, she was afraid of what her father could do to her closest friend.

"Alright." Galinda whispered. 

It was then that Galinda made a promise to herself.  If Elphaba wouldn't let her confront her abusive father, then she would just have to do it in secret.

After finishing off her waffle, Galinda and Elphaba walked back to their room.  Since there was a big biology test on Monday, Elphaba decided that a perfect way to spend their Saturday was by continuously and relentlessly studying.

"What is the equation for photosynthesis?" Asked Elphaba, who was trying to get her bubbly blonde roommate to actually study.

Galinda groaned. "Cant we just do this laaaater? It's only Saturday!"

"Only Saturday. That's less than forty-eight hours until we have to take this test, which someone obviously isn't prepared for."

Galinda smiled, amused by her friend's passionate interest in studying, and in all things educational.  Come to think about it, she was entranced every day about her roommate's passion for little everyday things, from reading an article on Animal rights, to her slight agitation when someone carelessly threw down a textbook.  Galinda Upland was hopelessly in love with Elphaba.

"Elphie, can I ask you a question?" She asked in an unusually nervous, although sweet voice.

"Of course." Elphaba replied distractedly, nose buried in her biology textbook.

"Will you go out with me?" The blonde bluntly queried,  nerves overtaking her when her verdant friend didn't answer right away.

"Yes, certainly." Was Elphaba's reply, simply stunned by the forwardness of the petit blonde.  She had always been so passionate about those she cares about, Elphaba thought when she saw the raw passion in Galinda's eyes when she had talked about her father.  Now I understand why I ran away from that kiss.  I just couldn't even fathom just how much she cares about me, and I was afraid to return the affection.  I had never had any real friends like her, so I was scared of losing my only friend. 
The answers Elphaba never knew she was missing came to her in that moment, shocked out of hiding.

Elphaba leaned in to kiss Galinda, relishing in the feel of her lover's lips against her own. 

And in that moment, everything was sincerely perfect. 

Little did Elphaba know that Galinda, her energetic love who did not take no for an answer, was going to secretly confront her father.

Thanks for all the support on this, everyone.  I really do appreciate each and every one of you who read this.  Also, special thanks for the prompt idea in this chapter, Horsantula you're a lil genius.  I will be updating regularly throughout the summer, and thanks again for the love and have a great day!

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