greetings from california - the neighborhood

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"You think my top would go with converse or flats?" Miranda asks looking at herself in the full length mirror.

"I don't know, if I had a choice I'd be wearing my night clothes...and you're asking me for fashion advice?" I laugh continuing to scroll through tumblr on my phone.

Miranda lets out a loud huff and throws her flats to the opposite side of the room.

"Converse it is" she mumbles grabbing her white converse from her closet.

"Can we go now..I don't wanna be late"

Today is my first day at my new highschool and we are probably going to be late due to Miranda's fashion issue.

"I haven't even put on my makeup yet!" She squeals checking the time.

"Well I'll leave you to that babe, have fun"

I kiss her cheek and ruffle her hair. Making her groan.

After grabbing my backpack I strut out the door and set out on my short adventure to school.

I'm very new to this town, I just moved here this summer.

one thing I love is that since I live in such a small town I can walk to school in about five minutes.

My mom didn't think I would react well but then I met Miranda. she has been my best friend ever since. Which is only about two or three months.

Once I reach the small school I walk in and go to the front office to get my schedule.

" Hi!" The lady sitting at the front desk cheers smiling widely.

I am almost startled at the large amount of makeup smeared onto her face. Maybe she couldn't find her mirror this morning and thought adding more would make it look better?

"Erm.. Hi , I'd like to get my schedule" I give her a small smile.

"Of course!! You must be Ms. white!" She cheers yet again with a overly happy voice."you are new to town! We barely have new students come into town!"


"Well here you go ms lady!!! Have a great day" she hands me my schedule with her overly manicured hands. I grab it then walk out mumbling a quick "you to."

As I open the door I crash into something causing me to loose balance.

Someone quickly grabs my arm and pulls me to their chest.

"Oops" I hear their deep voice laugh.

"H-Hi" I look up and my heart stops."I'm so sorry!"

" hello, It's fine love. I wasn't watching where I was going" the beautiful man in front of me puts a hand on my shoulder and with a low voice he says "I'm harry"


"Your name is cute, I like that." he smiles making two dimple pop out from his cheeks.

"Thanks" I feel my face start to heat up so I look to the ground.

"I'll see you around?" He asks looking me up and down with curious eyes.

"Yeah definitely. We aren't exactly in a huge place" I laugh and so does he.

"Bye Olivia" he rubs my shoulder.

"Bye harry"

He walks into the office sending me one last wink and I inwardly squeal.

"hey Olivia I made it!!!!"

I turn and see Miranda walking through the front doors.

"Hey" I say still thinking about my interaction with harry.

"You look like you met a celebrity" she giggles.

"Well he might as well be one"


"Good morning class!"

Being the new kid in a town where they nearly never get new people is something very interesting.

Everyone asks five million questions a minute and they look at you like a ancient artifact.

I have made many friends that I never thought I would make and its actually really cool.

Miranda and I compared schedules and since she is a sophomore we only have two classes together.

It's only second hour so its going very slowly.

" what class do you have next?"Miranda asks as we walk down the not so crowded hallway.

"I have-"

" hey Olivia"

I look up and see harry walking toward us.

"Hey harry" I smile taking in his appearance.

He has shoulder length curly brown hair , he is wearing a long sleeve flower print shirt that has four buttons undone to show his chest with skinny jeans and pointy brown boots.

"You know harry?"Miranda gasps to me.

"yeah?" I say confused .

When he passes by he sends me a wink that makes my cheeks blush.

After he isn't in my view anymore Miranda hits my shoulder.

"You know Harry Styles ? "

"I bumped into him this morning" I shrug.

"Don't get involved with him Olivia...he is bad news"

Olivia -H.S-Where stories live. Discover now