end of the day - one direction

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Olivia's pov 

when I open my eyes I think about two things.

One being how much more comfortable my bed is.

And two being that I have a massive hangover and shouldn't have drank so much.

I stand up and when I turn around to make my bed I realise something.

Its not my bed.

"AHHHHHH!!" I scream at the top of my lungs stumbling back and hitting my back on a dresser.

"FOOKIN 'ELL" A voice yells from the other side of the bed as it falls.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY AM I HERE" I shout and grab the closest thing to me that could help me protect myself.

A tissue box.

After a few seconds a head peaks from the opposite side of the bed.


"What are you going to do with a tissue box love?" He groans as he stands up.

He is bare chested...and only in sweat pants...

What. Happened.

"Why am I here.." I ask tossing the tissue box onto the bed and groaning because of my new found headache.

"After the party you fell asleep and so I took you here because you were too passed out to say anything." Harry moans as he rubs his eyes.

His morning voice is adorable.

"So we didn't...." I trail off.

His head perks up and he winces.

"No no no.." he chuckles.

I sigh and relax until I realise I wasn't wearing any pants.

I then quickly grab the comforter from the bed and wrap it around my waist.

"Where is my dress?" I question looking around his surprisingly neat room.

"In my laundry room, before I went to bed last night I washed it"


"Thank you harry that is very kind of you" I smile." Now do you mind showing me where your laundry room is?"

"Gladly love"


After I get dressed I yawn and wince at my headache.

I sit down at his dining room table and rest my head in my hands.

I can't believe this..I'm at harry styles house.

"Here I brought you advil and water" Harry smiles setting the two items in front of me.

"You are a life saver" I praise.

"so I have been told." He smirks.

I grab my phone - which harry thankfully charged last night - and see that it was 10:54 in the morning.

"I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I shout as I push myself from the dining table.

"Don't bother I already called us in" he chuckled taking a sip of something that looked like tea.

"Thanks for letting me know" I sass as I plop back into the wooden chair.

"You are very welcome"

"I was being sarcastic" I roll my eyes.

"I could definitely tell that darling. No need to inform me" he nods taking another sup of his coffee.

as I am about to say something my phone rings.

Its Miranda.

I stand up and walk away from the table before I answer it.

"Hello" I chirp into the phone.

"Where are you?!" Miranda shouts through the phone.

"Somewhere" I mumble.

"Olivia Frances" Miranda scolds.

"I'm at Harry's" I murmur.


"at Harry's"

"Why" she asks simply but I can tell she is beyond mad.

"He took me back to his after the party last night."

"And what did you do?"

I can imagine her teeth grit together and her face is turning red.

"Nothing, I promise! He just took me to his so that I could sleep"

"You do know that if you ever get with him that he will leave you.." Miranda scoffs.

"Who said ANYTHING about me being with him?"


"Whatever yourself I have to go"

"No wait liv im sor-"

I didn't wait for her to end her apology before I hung up.

"I freaking swear" I explode grabbing my hair and tugging.

A hand from behind me take mine slowly and carefully pulls it away from my head.

"Don't hurt yourself like that darling" harry hums as he hugs me from behind.

"Sorry I'm just...ugh I'm just so mad right now" I huff shaking my head.

"When we're mad we just need to find that one thing that calms us, if you are ever mad or sad I'm here for you Livy"

Olivia -H.S-Where stories live. Discover now