captivate you - marmozets

38 3 0

Harry's pov

The moonlight captivates her beautiful features perfectly and the wind coming through the windows that blows her hair makes her twitch her nose every so often.

She is perfect and I don't think that she realises it.

As I drive with the alluring girl in the seat beside me, I realise something.

I don't know where she lives.

I take one of my hands from the steering wheel and shake her shoulder lightly.



"Whats your address love?"


Looks like I'm not getting a answer from her.

She wouldn't be mad if I took her back to my house, would she?


After a inner battle with myself I decide to take her back to my house.

"Come on livy just turn a bit" I chuckle as I pick her up.

immediately her arms wrapped around my neck and her head buries into my shoulder.

"that's good love" I reassure her.

quietly I take her into my room and I lay her carefully onto my bed.

I grab a shirt and a pair of sweat pants from my dresser and lay them beside her so that I can try to wake her up.

"Olivia, you should change" I hummed as I shook her shoulder.

All she does is sit up slowly and lift her arms in the air.

I huff and begin to unzip her dress.

After her dress is off my breath gets caught in my throat.

She is beautiful.

She has curves and stretch marks and they are beautiful.

I slowly slip my shirt over her body and she flops onto the bed.

So no pants?

I laugh at that and take off my shirt for bed.

I slip into the sweat pants I got for her to wear and before quietly getting into bed beside her I throw her dress into the washing machine so it will be clean for her tomorrow.

The moonlight glows through my window and onto her like a natural spot light.

Her hair is thrown everywhere and her makeup is slightly smudged but she can't get any more beautiful.

Olivia -H.S-Where stories live. Discover now