the mess I made - parachute

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In this moment harry and olivia had no clue to what was happening.

yes they knew they were kissing but they didn't know what this meant.

Harry has known since he first laid eyes on her that there was something special.

There was this connection he had towards her and he was sure she felt the same.

There was a spark...something that pulled at his mind and heart always leading to her..his Livy.

Olivia thought she was surely in a state of dreaming.

Her stomach was filled with butterflies...erm scratch that....freaking dinosaurs on a rampage.

The feeling of his lips on hers was so perfect she wanted it to last forever.

Even though this moment could not be anymore perfect olivia still wanted to know about last night.

Harry pulls back slowly and when he opens his eyes his heart swells at the sight of Livy leaned against the lockers, eyes still closed reminiscing in their beautiful kiss.

"You have no clue how long I have wanted to do that darling" harry rasps cupping her face with his hands.

Livy finally opens her eyes and quirks a eyebrow.

"You still didn't explain what happened last night"

Harry groans and slams his fist against the locker beside olivia.

"I just kissed you and that's all you think about?"

"Harry you may have just kissed me but you kissed Louis last night and if you cant be honest with be then what would our relationship be if we were to have one?" olivia crosses her arms a annoyed look appears onto her features.

"Okay fine" harry breaths " last night louis told me he wanted me back...he said he was sorry for cheating on me."
Olivia's mouth drops.

"But everyone made you out-"

"To be the bad guy I know but I took the blame because Louis was so perfect and I still couldn't hate him after he did that to me." Harry groans rubbing his eyes."after he said that he came onto be...he just kissed me and I didn't kiss back I swear he just...I don't know Livy I'm so sorry"

Harry nudges his rose into Olivia's neck.

"I believe you harry its fine just don't let him kiss you again" liv giggles.

Harry smiles down at her and leans closer to the girl he has fallen deeply for.

"Hey Harry!!'

Harry turns with annoyance evident on his face.

Samantha, the person harry used to be with, is now walking towards them.

"What" harry barks.

"Jeez" she puts her over manicured hands into the air." Just wanted to say hi"

"Yea. Hi. Okay now, bye!" Harry grins sarcastically.

"Whatever" Samantha rolls her eyes and walks away.

Harry leans back closer to Livy and quietly says.

"Now where were We?"

Olivia -H.S-Where stories live. Discover now