daydreamin' - ariana grande

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Harry's POV

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

She wasn't supposed to make me feel things.

But there she is, dancing and I'm feeling things... I'm feeling a tugging in my stomach as I watch her sway her hips.

Really cliché I know.. boy has no feelings until boy meets a girl.

But this isn't going to be like that.

she isn't going to like me back and I will be sat here like a idiot with a broken heart..again.

Olivia looks at me from the dance floor and sends me a smile that makes my stomach flutter.

I see her say something to that Michelle guy and walk towards me.

"Hey, I thought I'd come hang out for a bit" olivia grins slightly out of breath.

"That's good" I chirped.

We sat in silence - well as much silence as there could be at a party where you could feel the musics base in your chest - until olivia spoke up.

"I'm going to go get another drink."

"Me to" I agreed.

We walked into the kitchen and there were about five different couples making out.

"Fun fun" olivia mutters as she pours some clear liquid into her red cup.

" yeah, totally" I joke.


After three drinks olivia was completely hammered.

"I love your hair" she slurs running her fingers through my hair.

"Thank you" I chuckle at how funny she is when she is drunk.

"I wanna dance!" She giggles taking my hands into hers.

I just shake my head at how childish she is acting.

"Come on hhharrryy" she calls.

She pulls my onto the dance floor and starts to move her body against mine.

"Come on!! loosen up a bit!" She giggles.

I nod and decide to dance around with her for a bit.

"I'm tired" she starts to whine curling into my body.

"Want me to take you home love?" I ask playing with her short hair.

She slowly nods and I smile.

"Then lets go home love"

I take her hand into mine and before we exit the door Michael steps infront of us.

"Where are you going?" Michael slurs sending me a glare.

"I'm taking livy home, why?"

"I'm supposed to take her home" Michael crosses his arms." She is my date"

I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around Olivia's waist to get a better grip on her

"Then why did you leave her alone all night?" I question with a smug expression.

Michael shrugs and grabs at olivia.

"I will take her home, don't worry buddy" I chuckle as I swiftly move olivia towards the door.

"Dick" I hear Michael mumble.


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