love you goodbye - one direction

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Olivia's POV

"He took his house.." luke asks, his mouth open.

"Yeah" I shrug curious as to why they all look so surprised.

"He is a proper douche!" Louis shouts slamming his fists on the table " he just wants to get in your pants."

"and why would you say that?" I scoff staring at him in anger.

"Because I DATED HIM...I WOULD KNOW" Louis screams and stomps away from the table.

"This is unbelievable." I mutter "why are you guys worrying about him getting with me if he's gay?"

Miranda laughs softly.

"He doesn't believe in labels. He just likes who he likes and nobody questions it." Ashton explains.

A pause overcomes the table.

I rest my head in my hands.

"Okay so changing the subject, everyone still on for bowling tomorrow?"

"Bowling sounds superb"

I turn and my face lights up.

"Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all harry" I blush as he takes a seat beside me.

"Yeah we don't mind" Miranda grumbles.

"this will be fun" I giggle.

Harry puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to his side

"It definitely will babe"

"so, how are you harry..we haven't spoke to you in awhile" Ashton asks after several minutes of silence.

"I'm good mate,thanks for asking" harry grins."how is everyone?"

They all nod and look like they are waiting for harry to do something.

"Guys" harry starts softly." I'm sorry...that thing that happened with wasn't all my fault and you know it"

Niall nods and nudges Miranda with his elbow.

"We know harry...we just didn't expect you to just...leave"

Harry pulls his arm from around me and starts to play with his rings.

"He broke me and I...I thought that it would be good for revenge" harry mumbles his eyes becoming watery.

I put my hand on his back and everyone's eyes widen.

Miranda shakes her head at me but I ignore her and rub his back.

Harry glances at me and shows a dimply smile.

"Do you guys think we can all still hang like old times?" Harry asks with pain in his eyes."I've changed"

Ashton and Niall's look at each other and shrug not knowing what to say.

"Of course you big lug!" Luke stands up and gives him a big hug.

"Thanks mate" harry chuckles.

I take my hand from his back and harry grabs it intertwining our fingers.

"So...bowling?" I ask causing the table to roar with laughter.

Olivia -H.S-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora