music to watch boys to - lana del rey

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I search through Netflix as I stuff spoonfuls of icecream into my mouth.

Today has been a day.

The images of what happened today flash through my mind and a permanent smile is etched onto my face.

Ring ring ring

I look down at my phone and see it was harry calling.

I snatch my phone from my bed and answer with a chipper.

"Hi harry!"


Worry overcomes me at the tone of his voice.

"Harry...what's wrong?"

"I'm..I'm sorry "

"Harry, tell me what's wrong?"  

My eyes fill with tears at the words leave Harry's mouth.

"What?" I sob "how!?"

I slip on my black converse quickly grabbing my mom's car keys.

"He got into a car crash livy" harry softly says.

"I'm in my way" I hiccup.

"No liv you shouldn't be driving like that" harry worry's.

"I'm on my way" I say harshly then hang up my phone.

"Mom I have to go to the hospital" I cry out when I see her watching t.v.

Her eyes widen and she runs over to me.

"W-whats wrong honey?" She checks me to see if I was hurt.

"It.." I close my eyes and huff trying to catch my breath." L-Luke is in the h-hospital "

Olivia -H.S-Where stories live. Discover now