rock me - one direction

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I need to know what went on with harry and Louis....its been bothering me all day.

Friday night when I saw them kissing I didn't say anything. I just left and went back to the group.


"Hey liv, whats wrong?" Miranda asks, worry evident on her face.

"I....never mind its stupid" I force out a laugh.

And it was truly stupid. Louis and harry have a history together...

I was a idiot for thinking harry would like me.

But I couldn't help think about what Miranda said about him liking me.

After fifteen more minutes harry and Louis come back. Harry doesn't have any emotion on his face while Louis looks like he just won the lottery

"What took you so long?" niall laughed."Ashton and Luke just left a bit ago"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and Louis and Harry's head snapped to look at each other.

"We were sorting out our differences" Louis grins wider, not taking his eyes off of harry.

This is disgusting.

"Hey Miranda can you drive me home?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"...Sure...why?" She asks worry still in her eyes.

"I don't feel well." I mumble.

"I can drive you" harry says, his eyes lighting up.

"I'm..I'm good I'll get a ride from Miranda" I force a smile onto my face.

When I look to Miranda she looks from me to harry several times.

I stand up and so does harry.

"Bye Livy" harry smiles as he moves forward to hug me.

I step back avoiding the hug and look to the ground.

"Bye harry"

when Miranda, niall,and I get into her car I burst into tears.

"I'm so stupid!!!" I shout through my tears.

"I knew there was something wrong" Miranda mumbles sadly. "What is it?"

"I...I....I SAW HARRY KISSING LOUIS" I sob into my hands.

"I'm so STUPID for thinking HE would actually like ME!!" I continue.

Miranda and niall rub my back.

"I'm sorry love" niall murmurs.

"You aren't stupid...he is...he should go suck a cactus"Miranda attempts to make me laugh And of course it works.

"I'm just...I'm done with dating. If harry wants to be my friend then that's it but anything more is a no"

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