Chapter One

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Chris and Josh were walking down the school's hallway together, talking about their previous class, Josh being the one to complain. "It's not fair, though," he whined. "She gives me - and only me - too much work."

"She gives everyone the same amount of work, Josh." Chris explained. "She gave me work, and since I actually do it and don't complain, it's finished."

He groaned. "But you actually get it. And she likes you. I'm pretty sure she hates me."

Chris sighed. "I'm sure she doesn't. She probably just hates the fact that you don't do put any effort in doing work."

"Sorry that I'm not a nerd."

Chris rolled his eyes, through with the subject. "What about help with studying? I could tutor you," He offered.

"Really?" Chris nodded. "Then okay... Will it ever become anything more than just studying?" Josh joked, giving a wiggle of an eyebrow.

"If you actually study and do well... Then just maybe," Chris answered slyly, walking over to Mike once he saw him and leaving behind a blushing Josh.

"Oh, hey," Mike greeted once he noticed Chris, closing his locker. 

"Hey, man. How was your class?"Josh asked, now catching up.

Mike shrugged and laughed. "It's class. Have way too much homework, though; Ms. Wen handed out so much."

"Right?" Josh asked, relieved to find someone else who agrees.

Mike laughed again, turning. "I'm going to find Matt. See you guys at lunch?"

"See you then," Chris called out as Josh waved. 

"Wanna study at my house tonight?" Josh asked a few seconds later.

"Can't; Already have plans."

"What's the nerd busy with?"

Chris snorted. "I study with Mike," he answered swiftly, stepping in front of Josh. "But I'm free tomorrow and we can make a schedule." Chris seductively smiled. 

"Oh, really?" Josh smiled back. "Sounds good to me," he muttered before pecking Chris' lips and walking again. 

Chris smiled,  following after him.


The lunch period came quicker than anticipated, but no one was complaining. It was nice sitting down with the group, especially when they only had two periods of being all together. The table was pretty silent due to them eating lunch and doing homework at the same time, but there was occasional chatter. Especially between Mike and Chris, Josh noticed. "Chris," he whispered when they were no longer talking.

He only hummed in reply.

Josh sighed, rolling his eyes. He choose to ignore Chris now; Surely he could speak to Mike and not him. 

Chris looked back at him before continuing to write. This was going to be a long day. . .


Later that day, Chris arrived at Mike's house, carrying his two textbooks. Mike answered the door in a matter of seconds, inviting him in with a smile. "What do you want to study first?"

Mike shut the door and answered, "Math, if you have the book. I don't understand it at all."

Chris flipped through his binder and pulled out his math book. "Have it," he said, sitting down at the table. 

"Good," Mike replied, sliding into another chair next to him.  "Teach me."

"What don't you know?"

"All of it," Mike answered bluntly. 

"Well, let's start here: 4√89x = 32√89. What's the first thing you would do?" Mike thought for a long while before giving up. "You want to find what x is. What times four gives you gives you thirty-two?"

Mike counted on his fingers before he answered. "Eight, right?"

"Right. but since it's under a square root sign. what is eight times eight?"


"Right. So x equals the square root of sixty-four or eight," Chris said, now pleased. 

"What? That's it?" Mike didn't know if he was more embarrassed or relieved.

Chris laughed. "Biology now?"

Mike shrugged. "Why not?"


I honestly don't think this is one of the best stories I have ever written, so I apologize if it does seem that way. 

But thank you for reading! More is to come.  

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