Chapter Three

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Four months had passed since then, yet school was still going on. Josh had been getting better grades, but what he liked to focus on was his ' reward ' from a certain nerd. "What did you get on your test last period?" Chris asked.

"Oh, just a hundred," Josh answered, smiling.

"Nice job," Chris proudly said, nudging him playfully.

Josh smiled back.

"Are you coming over later?"

"Can't," Chris answered. "Studying with Mike and spending the night. He's grades are dropping dramatically."

"Oh. Well, don't have too much fun without me."

"Wouldn't plan it," he replied, pecking Josh's lips.


"Hey, Mike," Mike greeted once Mike opened the door.

"Hey," Mike smiled. "Come on in."

"Sure." Chris made his way in, sliding his backpack off his arm. "We can study history first, if you want."

Mike shrugged. "Alright."

When the two males were situated at Mike's desk in his room, Chris opened their packets. "So, the Black Plague. It gets it's name because it made people's skin turn black. It was carried by fleas, which then affected rats. Rats were transported through ships which spread the disease further. It's pretty straight forward."

"I'm not," Mike commented.

"Not what?" Chris asked, confused.

"Straight." He answered bluntly.

"Um." Chris honestly did not know what to say."I, um, am glad you trusted me enough to tell me." Mike just stayed silent, though. "Anyways, the disease killed over a million people, which was very significant. And - -"

"I like you, Chris." Mike said, staring at Chris.


"I like you," he repeated, staring into Chris' eyes, not even blinking.

"I..." Chris gulped. "Like you, too." He replied oddly. Mike meant just as friends, right? He likes Sam, though. . .

"Not as a friend, though. Much more," Mike said, as if reading Chris' mind. His voice had dropped low and Chris didn't know where he was looking on his face, but it certainly was not his eyes.

"Um, b-best friends?" Chris managed to stutter out.

Mike sighed and leaned against him, his warm breath mingling with with Chris'. "Much more," he repeated once more, kissing Chris.

Chris felt his cheeks go red, the heat fogging his glasses to the point where he could not see. 'But what about Josh? What would he say? He would be broken. Josh - '

Mike removed Chris' glasses and kissed him, having Chris stop thinking. 'Who is Josh, anyways?' He soon kissed back, taken over by Mike's warmth.


On Monday, Chris was too flustered and even debated on staying home. His backside hurt, and he knew why. Man, was he guilty. Walking into biology didn't do him any better. Mike kept staring from across the room and, of course, he sat right next to Josh.

"Hey," Josh greeted nicely. Chris stayed silent. "Are you alright?" He asked, now worried.

This was bad; Really bad. Josh had done nothing wrong; He was innocent! He's too good to be in this situation.

"Chris..." he voice dropped and he looked away, noticeably blaming himself.

"I... Nothing's wrong. Mike's and my study session went on super late. So I'm just really tired." Chris hated this. He was practically lying to him. Seeing that innocent smile made his churned. "Oh, alright. Rest now; I'll help you catch up."

Chris layed his head down and closed his eyes. He wasn't going to sleep. How could he? He needed to think. . .

A hand came and massaged his back. Yeah; he hated himself now.

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