Chapter Ten

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"How's Broski?" Chris asked about a week later. They were both at Josh's house now, but Mr. and Mrs. Washington were out with the pup, doing whatever they wanted. 

"He's pretty good," Josh answered from doing his homework. "He's a real bad trouble maker, though."

"Well," Chris said in reply, moving over to the bed where Josh was. Josh sat up and looked at him, smirking. "He is just a puppy."

"You were a kid once too, you know," Josh said, leaning onto Chris. 

"We knew each other since third grade. We both know." Chris whispered the last part and kissed Josh. 

Josh smiled into the kiss before leaning back. "I miss your braces."

Chris rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to reply, but Josh deeply kissed him, pushing him down on the bed. Chris moaned, slipping his hands under Josh's shirt, stroking his thumb over his hip. Josh layed his body down atop Chris moments later, grinding theirselves together. 

Josh leaned up after a moment and removed his plaid shirt, revealing a tan, lovely body that always made Chris' head spin. He began working on Chris' first layer of clothes, Chris' eyes practically burning holes into his body. 

"What?" Josh asked after prying off Chris' shirt. "Like what you see?"

Chris smiled, pulling off his second top. "Always."

Josh chuckled until he saw another shirt. "Dammit, Chris. How much layers are you wearing? Don't you ever get hot?"

Chris laughed, pulling up his shirt to show his stomach. "I came prepare for the snow, unlike you." Josh rolled his eyes. "But this is the last one; I promise."

Josh leaned back down as Chris removed his last shirt, placing kisses on milky stomach. Chris shifted and moaned as Josh began to nibble on the flesh. He trailed kisses back up his to Chris' jaw before nibbling on his ear lobe and whispering: "What do you want to do, Chochise?" 

Chris swallowed and tightened his grip on Josh's upper arm. "I..." 

Josh smiled and Chris' mouth went dry. Josh's frame was outlined by the moonlight and his hair was slightly disheveled, making Chris' heart melt. 

"Chris?" Josh asked, sounding worried. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? O-oh, yeah. You just look really beautiful right now, you know. " Josh blushed hard, now not knowing what to say. "Were you worried?" Chris teased, playing with his short hair. 

"I wouldn't want the person I'm about to fuck to be in shock or anything," he said in reply before looming over Chris again, making Chris smirk.

"Is that what we're gonna do?"

Josh kissed Josh's temple. "You know it." They both shared a look before Josh went down and unbuckled Chris' belt. "Hey," Josh said, undoing the buttons. "What about I use the belt to - -"

"Don't. You. Dare." Chris said, knowing exactly what he was going to say. 

"Aw," Josh said with fake sadness. He removed Chris' pants and underwear, licking his lips at the newly revealed flesh. Chris held his breath as Josh undressed as well, revealing lovely skin. Josh tossed his clothes to the side before returning to Chris. It took them both a moment to get situated, but neither of them were complaining. "Wait," Josh said, removing Chris' glasses. Chris nodded in thanks, vision now blurred. 

Josh lined up with Chris before pushing in slowly earning a lust moan from Chris. He laughed. "Save some for when I actually start moving."

Chris grunted in annoyance. "I can just touch you, Josh, and earn a moan," he said in defense.

Josh blushed and began to thrust just to end the conversation. Chris bit his tongue, still adjusting to Josh being inside of him. 

After a few moments, Chris was a mess of sweat and moans. His voice was in time with Josh's thrusts and his hair was disshelved from the movement. He bit his lip when Josh found his prostate, breathing heavily through his nose. Though he was biting his lip, it did little to keep away his throaty moans. "Fuck, Josh," he managed to breath out. 

Josh kissed Chris, their moans mixing in with each other's. Josh broke it not too long afterwards, a string of saliva breaking when doing so, and pressed his head into Chris' shoulder. "Dammit, Chris..." He bit into Chris' neck, having Chris lose it and have his release. Josh followed soon after, licking Chris' neck. Both males stayed laying on the bed for a while, letting energy slowly seep back into them. 

Josh, moments foreward, placed a kiss on Chris' collar bone and stood up, handing Chris his glasses back. 

"Where are you going?" Chris asked, putting on his glasses. 

"Just to lock my bedroom door," he answered, sliding on his boxers. "Don't really want to be scolded by my parents because we're sharing a bed."

"You mean we just... did that  with the door unlocked?!!" Josh smiled and locked the door. "What if someone walked in?"

"I think they would have gotten the hint from your moaning."

Chris scoffed. "I wasn't that loud."

"I'm not complaining," Josh said, climbing under the the covers and cuddling close to Chris. 

Chris was going to complain but figured not to and just wrapped his arms around Josh, kissing his head. "Night, bro," he muttered. 

"Mmm..." Josh held his closer. "Night, Cochise."

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