Chapter Six

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Waking up the next morning was probably when the guilt weighed the heaviest. He was cuddled with Josh, only a blanket covering the two, while previously doing it with Mike. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just tell Josh? Oh... that's right. Chris couldn't stand to see Josh upset. He saw him cry once over Hannah being in the hospital and Chris could hardly take it. He practically vowed he would never make him cry.

He nervously tried to push up his glasses until releasing that he was wearing contacts from Mike. Chris groans from the mention of Mike before picking up his phone. It was past noon and he had three texts and two calls, all in which he missed. Most where from his parents, but Chris ignored them and opened the one from Mike.

Mike: ' Up for tonight? '

Chris' stomach curled and he looked down to the sleeping boy on his chest.

Chris: I'll have to see.

Chris placed his phone back down and ignored it as it pinged. The ping seemed to have woken up Josh, though.

Josh groaned and sat up, stretching and Chris couldn't help but stare. He cracked his neck and looked back at Chris, surprised to see him awake. "Oh, hey. How long were you awake?"

Chris shrugged. "Two minutes, maybe." He sat up too nonce Josh began looking through his phone, specifically the ones from a few days ago from Study Hall.

"Thanks for the pictures, bro." Chris kissed the back of Josh's shoulder, looking at them too. Most of them were self-portraits of Josh, but there was that one with both Josh and Chris at the end.

"That's what I look like without glasses?"

Josh zoomed in on Chris' face. "Yup, sexy, but I like your glasses more. It's always fun when you try to kiss me and don't know where my lips are."

Chris blushed and rolled out of bed, getting dressed. Josh followed close behind, but not before uploading the photo of him and Chris. When he went down, Chris had already put pizza in the microwave for the both of them. Josh went over and hugged him. "What's the plan for today, Cochise?"

Chris smiled, running his hands over Josh's back. "Don't know yet. I'll go back to my house later, I guess." He pecked Josh's lips before unraveling himself to get the heated pizza.

"Hmm... So you're mine for the day," Josh teased, now rolling up his sleeves.

"That's one way of putting it." Chris chuckled, handing Josh his plate.

"I won't lock you up here. Leave and do whatever," Josh called, walking to the television room. Chris soon came behind him and snuck his arms under his, embracing the boy.

"I can think of a few things I can do with you," Chris whispered seductively.

"Mmm..." Josh smiled, leaning back into the embrace. "Me too," he spoke out, his mouth full of pizza.

"Ugh," Chris said. "You just ruined the moment."

Josh turned around, still chewing. "Shame. Food sex was on my list with you." He kissed Chris quickly before walking away. Chris smirked and licked the pizza sauce off his lip that Josh left behind before following him back to the kitchen, already gathering supplies.


Chris came home later, still smelling of whipped cream. He was pretty sure he also hd chocolate syrup in his hair. He was tired, yet so awake, thus having been upset when it was Sunday, only having two hours until Monday.

He heaved open the door, breathing in the home scent before switching on the lights. His body tensed and he was about to scream when he saw a figure on the couch until he realized that it was Mike. "Mike," Chris started, sighing. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Well it wasn't exactly what I had planned to get your heart race up, but it's a start," Mike said, laughing as he turned off his phone.

Chris sighed, unamused. Any thoughts of Josh had vanished from his mind as he silently made his way over to the smirking man. 'It really should be illegal', Chris thought, now sitting beside Mike. 'Ll be that attractive.'

Mike smiled warmly at Chris' gaze, his eyes visually calm. "Your parents called and wanted to tell you that they're at the grocery store." Chris was focused more on his appearance than his words, though. His stubble framed his face nicely and it seemed like everything was in perfect proportion. "They also- "

Chris was the first to kiss Mike this time, having one hand placed on Mike's neck. Mike kissed back after a few seconds, having a hand placed on Chris' hip. Chris pulled back after a moment for air, locking eyes with Mike's.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked, rubbing his thumb along Chris' cheek. Chris just smiled and kissed him again. Mike smiled into the kiss after a while, bringing his hand under Chris' shirt, rubbing his creamy skin. Chris pulled Mike down atop him in return, not daring to break the kiss.

A small gasp emitted from the door, causing the two males to look up I shock. Chris' shock turned just into fear when he saw Josh with wide-eyes. "J-Josh, I-" Chris stumbled off the couch and stood, afraid to approach him.

Joseph's eyes were brimmed with tears before they fell down his face. He grinded his teeth before running g out the door to God knows where. Josh didn't even know where he was going; he just had to get away.

"Josh!" Chris called after him, now running after him, trying to reach his speed. It was hard, due to not really paying attention in gym.

Josh's vision was pretty much blurred, and the fresh stream of tears wasn't helping. It was no surprise when he tripped over an upturned rock.

Chris skidded into a stop a few seconds later, kneeling down beside Josh. "Are you alright?"

Josh shrugged off Chris' hand, whipping his eyes. His vision was still blurred, but he could see a crimson colour dripping down and the sting in his knee supported his idea that he cut his knee deeply when he fell. "Go away," Josh mumbled weakly, now starting to shake. It wasn't even the snowy air that made him shake - it was betrayal. After what he and Chris recently did. All he wanted to do was give Chris his textbooks back and greet his parents, but wow...He was sure greeted alright. He sniffled, gripping the textbooks in his hold. He snuck a glance to Chris whom was looking down at the snow, eyebrows knit and tears in his own eyes. Little did Josh know how much tears he was actually holding back. Josh shook his head and stood up messily, earning Chris' attention.


Josh threw the textbooks into the snow. "Your textbooks," he muttered weakly before turning around and limping away.

"J-Josh." Chris stood and followed, stepping in front of Josh. "Y-you shouldn't walk with your knee like th- -"

"Shut up," Josh snapped, pushing past him. "When did you start caring, anyways?" He stopped and turned around. "Or don't you? Because apparently everything isn't true." He limped away, now leaving a crying Chris.

"N-no, Josh. That's not t-true. I promise. P-please, Josh."

Josh continued walking, though, not daring to look back.

Chris was staying slouched in the snow, crying for the longest of time. Moments later, he got off the snowy ground and made his way back home.

He was greeted with an empty house, but there was a note from Mike placed on his table. Chris walked over to read it, guilt burning in his gut.

'Chris -

I really wish you would have told me about Josh. I understand why you didn't though; you're too kind. The reason I was doing this stuff with you was because I felt attraction towards someone and I wanted to know if it was real or fake. Apparently it isn't. I'm terribly sorry. I feel like I owe it to you, so the person I like is Matt. Thanks for being such a good friend, though.

- Mike '

Chris exhaled shakily. He was relieved about that, but what now? What about Josh?

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