Chapter Eight

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It was Saturday now, but that still didn't change Josh's actions. He still ignored Chris, still glared at him and was still upset. It was rare, but Chris sometimes would see a tear fall from Josh's eye and he quickly wiped it away, making Chris' heart slowly shatter, 

Right now, Chris didn't even know where he was walking to, but at least he knew where he was. The streets were pretty much abandoned and the snow made the sight beautiful. 

Chris sighed, his breath visible in the cold air. Snow faltered around him, and he couldn't help but get annoyed at how is glasses kept becoming foggy.

Turning a corner, he was greeted with a snow-filled park. The only other person there was Josh, he realized, swaying on one of the swings. Chris was still for a minute before deciding to approach him, snow crunching under his feet, though Josh did not seems to notice. Chris did seem to notice something, though; Josh was crying. And from the looks of it, he's been crying for quite some time. 

He sat in the swing beside Josh, now gaining his attention. He was quick to wipe he cheeks and eyes, now looking in a different direction. Chris started to swing, eyes on Josh the whole time. Josh sighed, now playing with his fingers. 

It was like that for many moment; Both Josh and Chris sharing a silence. But Chris soon grew tired of it and began to speak. "How... How's your knee?" He asked, stopping the swing with his foot. 

Josh was silent for a few seconds. "Fine,"  Josh muttered quietly. 

Silence came between the two males once again. 

Chris kicked snow with his feet, thinking things over. At least Josh was speaking to him now. He looked over at Josh who was looking over him with sad, teary eyes. They soon latched with Chris' until he turned back to the ground. 

"Josh - -"

"I gotta go," Josh said, far too quick for his movements. 

Chris helped him gather his things before handing them to him. He smiled sadly at Josh who just looked away and  fixed his beanie. 

"Bye, Josh," Chris muttered when he was far out of sight.  He sighed, now continuing his walk, but now heading to his home. 

The good thing was that Josh was now more comfortable.


Chris came back the next day, feeling hopeful that Josh would be there as well. He began swinging on the swings as he waited for Josh, his breath mingeling with the wind. There was the sound of snow crunching a while later and he had gotten ecstatic, turning to the sound. But, instead of Josh, there was a puppy, barely visible from the depth of the snow. Chris only really noticed the pup when it jumped through the snow to go to a new patch. 

Chris sighed and looked at his phone. 

5:45 p.m.

He was sitting in the park for more than an hour without even knowing. Chris sighed and made his way to the puppy. He kneeled down and chuckled; The dog was practically hidden in the snow. 

The dog pulled his head out of the snow and began wagging his tail, some snow lingering on his nose.

"Hi there," Chris said, petting it. The dog yipped in reply, climbing onto Chris' lap and licked his chin.  Chris laughed and took notice of the dog's breed: An Australian Shepherd. He was white with black spots and speckles and had piercing icy blue eyes,  yet they were so friendly and inviting. One ear on him was always up and the other was always down, and Chris couldn't help but laugh.

"Got an owner anywhere?" He asked, looking around to see if there was anyone.  Chris dug his fingers into the fur, searching for a collar. He didn't any. "No home...?"  He whispered, looking sadly at the dog. 

The dog sensed this and layed down in his lap, tilting his head. Chris bit his lip and stood up with the puppy in his hold, looking for the owner again. 

The pup squirmed until he reached Chris' finger and began nibbling on it. 

Chris looked down and smiled. "You're a nibbler, huh?" Chris watched the dog for a bit longer before an idea came to his head and he began running, holding the pup securly. 


Funny fact(s):

I was in photography class with a male friend who really  desired to read this story, so I sent him to search what yaoi was ( after quite a lot of disagrees because I didn't know how he would react to it ), but it actually went surprisingly well. It was probably one of the top days where I laughed the most in my life.

Some time later, my photography teacher came to the table, leaned on it and over the table and asked, "What are you reading?" ( Or somewhere along that context ).

I immediatly said "please don't read it!" and he stood and said he didn't read any of it. 

When he walked away, it must have been about three minutes until the both of us stopped laughing. I mean, what would you do if your teacher wants to read your yaoi fan-fiction? XDD

Thank God my teacher was so understanding! cx

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