Chapter Five

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School was now embarrassing to say in the least. So many people stared at Chris now and people who Chris didn't even know started talking to him.

"Hey, Chris." Josh greeted in Study Hall. "Woah." Chris blushed. "Well," Josh smirked. "You look nice."

Chris groaned. "I want my glasses back."

"Oh, come on. Change is good." Josh smiled at Chris and Chris back. "Hey, bro; Can I use your phone to search an answer? I forgot mine."

Chris retrieved his phone and handed it to Josh, who instantly put in the pass code and going onto Google.

Chris went back to his paper, writing down the known answers and chatting with Josh.

Moments passed and Chris forgot about his phone until he looked up and saw Josh taking photos. 

"Josh!" Josh jumped. "That's not what you asked."

"Sorry." Josh chuckled. "Mike wears glasses?"

Chris figured he was in his gallery. "Oh, u-um, yeah. He use to, anyways. I said that I'd start wearing glasses if I got a photo."

"Bro, you gotta share this with, like, everybody."

"Give that back before you send that to everyone."

"Fine. Just one more photo." Josh raised the phone above the two of the of them. Chris rolled his eyes playfully before smiling for the photo. Josh smiled and gave the phone back. "Send those photos to me." Chris nodded and began sending them. "Eleven times  eighty is a hundred and and eighty, right?"

Chris sighed. "You should know this, Josh."

"Sorry, but my study buddy isn't helping anymore." Josh sighed and Chris shifted uneasily. 

"Um, I- -"

"No, it's fine." Josh said, sighing again, now standing up. "Bye, Chris."

"W-wait, Josh." Joshua continued walking, though he slowed his pace.

"What, Chris?"

"How about I take you out after school somewhere? I know it's not much, but it's a start." 

Josh debated. He wasn't really excited for it, but he did want to spend time with Chris and have the chance of getting frozen yogurt.

"Come on, Josh," Chris continued, placing a hand atop his shoulder. "I'll take you anywhere you want."

Josh kept his focus on Chris' hand on his shoulder for a moment before replying. "Fine, alright." He huffed. "You're paying though."

Chris smiled and ruffled his hair from not being able to kiss him. Yet.


Hours later, Chris and Josh were eating Frozen yogurt outside the shop. Chris knew Josh was purposely ignoring him. He couldn't really blame him, though. "Hey, Josh?" Josh looked up from eating and locked eyes with Chris. "I... I'm sorry," Chris started. "I haven't been talking with you as much as I'd like to, and I promise this isn't what I wanted. Mike's.... studying sessions went on much longer longer than I mean them to, and I got really tired. You are doing really good in school, so I thought you would be alright." Chris huffed, shaking from telling lies. "I'm really sorry, Josh."

Josh was looking everywhere but at Chris. He seemed to be processing, and Chris has to wonder if he knew about Mike. ."I... alright." He nods. "I understand; I forgive you. It's just.... At times I thought you just hated me, so you were doing practically doing all you could to be away."

Chris swallowed in guilt. "I'm so sorry I made you feel like that..."

Josh smiled sadly, stirring his frozen yogurt shyly. "It feels nice to finally admit that."

Chris gave him a sad look. "Are... Are you busy later? Maybe I could come over?" Chris asked.

Josh smirked as if the previous conversation had never happened. "Maybe. No studying, though, alright?"

Chris chuckled. "I promise."

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