chapter two

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We all entered Zelena's cell to funnily enough see sat on her bed crossed legged. "Regina I'm trying to meditate; it's good for the baby. Please go you're ruining my chi"
"We need your help" Hook said.
Zelena stared at him for a moment as if he was stupid and laughed. "Wow you must be really desperate"
"Somethings happened to Emma" I said as Zelena eyed Robin, trying to distract her. "She sacrificed herself for Regina and she's now The Dark One. We have no way to travel to another realm to find her because Regina's magic isn't enough. We need someone wicked"
Zelena turned to me and smiled. "Well haven't you got yourselves into a mess?"
"So are you going to help us or not?" Hook asked rudely.
"Of course!" Zelena replied.
I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes in shock. Surprised that actually worked out.
"What?" Regina asked in shock.
"Pregnancy's changed me, dear. I'm going to do whatever I can to free Emma of the darkness... just let me see that wand"
Regina gave her an unsure look.
"Don't worry this thing you put on me neutralises my magic. I am powerless"
Willingly, Regina handed Zelena the wand and she took it in her hands immediately and gazed at it.
"Yes," she said, quietly. "You simply need a portal to guide it to its destination; something that belonged to Emma, something... meaningful to her."
"Fine." Regina said, snatching it from her sister's hands. "That, we can do."
"No you can't." Zelena replied rudely. "Your magic isn't powerful enough."
"Can you make it work?"
Zelena nodded. "But there's one thing standing in my way," she held up her wrist with a sarcastic smile on her face.
"Never." Regina hissed. "Come on, Henry, Brooke, let's go" Henry, Robin and I followed her out. I looked behind me and noticed Hook wasn't following. I shrugged it off, he's probably threatening her somehow. He'll be fine.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Henry asked Regina.
"We're gonna have to find another way." She answered.

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