chapter thirty-three

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"I'll never be able to thank you enough for coming back to save me." Dr Jekyll thanked Henry again. "Now that I am separated from that monster, I can make a fresh start in my life in your storybook." He exclaimed.

Hook then walked in, followed by Zelena and David.
"Still missing the crocodile?" He asked.
"Gold wasn't in the park?" Emma asked, clearly unaware that he disappeared.
"In all the commotion he must've slipped through the portal to find Belle." David explained.
"Where's Regina, wasn't she out there looking with you?" Mary Margaret questioned.
"No. She said wanted to be alone, but she wouldn't say why." Zelena shrugged.
Brooke furrowed her brows and looked to Henry, who had the same expression on his face.
"This couldn't still be about the squabble you two had in Storybrooke, could it?" She asked Emma, who shook her head.
"No, we solved that. I know what this is." Emma replied. "It's something bigger."
This worried Henry and Brooke realised, so she took hold of his hand to comfort him.
Mary Margaret sighed and got up, picking up her hot cocoa with cinnamon and some alcohol, causing Brooke to cock an eyebrow, before she walked out onto the balcony.

After a while, Emma got up and sighed. "Okay, I'm going to see what they're doing."


"Home sweet home." Emma sighed as her, Regina, Henry and Brooke stepped out of her small, yellow car.
"And in one piece." Regina added.
The first person Brooke saw walking down the streets was her mom, who immediately saw her. "I-I have to go," She told them. "Regina, I'm so proud you managed to get rid of The Evil Queen for good and have fun destroying The Olympian Crystal... I guess." She wasn't completely concentrating on what she was saying.

Henry watched Brooke run up to her mom and hug her. He could see the tears welling up in his mother's eyes and smiled - he knew she was the only family member she had left, who lived in Storybrooke anyways.
"Come on, Henry." Regina said, snapping him out of it. "Let's destroy this thing."
Henry smiled and nodded. "Let's do it."

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