chapter eight

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"Mom, dad. This is too dangerous you shouldn't have come."
"We had to" David answered, hugging his daughter.

"Well, you don't look like a crocodile." Hook joked with a small smile on his face.
"Guess I was lucky" Emma answered.

"Here" Mary Margaret said to Emma, holding out the dagger. "Have this"
"You'll be able to control yourself" David added.
"No" Emma answered, looking off at something in the distance.
"Think about it," Hook said. "If it falls into the wrong hands and what it could do - what you could do."
Emma looked around at us. "It's too much power" Her eyes then fixed on the same spot she was looking at earlier and said: "Someone needs to watch me."
What on earth was she on about? Who was she looking at?
Emma then took the sword from her mother's hands carefully before handing it to Regina. I raised my eyebrows. Why is she giving it to Regina?
"Are you serious?" She asked, taking the sword.
"I saved you, now save me. You're the only one that'll get past our feelings and do what's necessary; destroy me." Emma said to Regina, looking dead into her eyes.
Henry then let go of my hand and walked towards his mother. "It won't come to that."
"I hope so." She answered, hugging her son. She then saw me and smiled. She held out a free arm and waved it in her direction. I walked towards her and joined Henry and Emma's hug. "Glad to see you're okay, Brooke"
I smiled and looked up and her. "Thanks, Emma. Glad to see you don't look like a crocodile" I joked, earning a small laugh from Emma before she pulled away from Henry and I.

"So, you guys gonna tell me how you all got here?" Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well it would be easier to show you" Hook replied, holding out his hand.
Emma happily took hold of his hand and let him lead the way. The rest of us followed.
"She looks okay." I said to Henry.
He smiled softly. "Yeah, I guess. I just hope nothing bad happens"
"Yeah, me too."

"You brought... Granny's?" Emma asked us as we approached Granny's Diner.
Granny then ran out of the door, slightly less panicked than before. "Back up generator's working but the fryers are shut!"
"And Granny?"
"There is no onion rings!" Leroy then yelled, walking outside too.
"And Leroy?"
"There's no shortage of people who wanna help you." Mary Margaret said.
Belle then ran out of Granny's and straight up to Emma, followed by Sleepy.

Emma was about to say something before she was cut off my the sounds of horses neighing.
"What now?" I asked.
From around the corner of the forest came well dressed men riding on horses.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Emma called.
They all stopped in front of us. "I'm King Arthur of Camelot." The man at the front with brown hair and a beard said. "We've come to find you."
"Find us?" Hook repeated.
"My Lord," another man said. "They think their arrival is a surprise."
"You were expecting us?" Mary Margaret asked.
"It was Merlin." Arthur responded. "He spoke about your visit a long time ago."
Emma stepped forward. "Merlin? Where is he? We were told he's missing."
"He is," Arthur replied. "but not for much longer. According to his predictions you're going to help us free him." He smiled. "Now then, if you all follow me..."
"Where?" Hook asked.
"Why, Camelot, of course." Arthur grinned.
Henry looked at me with a huge smile and took hold of my hand. "Let's go."

We arrived at the castle to be greeted by knights playing a royal tune on their trumpets with yellow flags attached to them. We followed Arthur towards the draw bridge.
The doors then opened and we walked inside. It was beautiful. There was huge paintings on the walls, decorations on the ceiling and a beautiful chandelier. The floor was a strange, checkered pattern but somehow managed to match the theme of the castle perfectly.
"Wow..." I whispered to myself.

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