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We ended up going back to the motel and laying down in the middle of the parking lot.

No one was going to come around anytime soon, after all.

I was right on top of him and he wasn't pulling me into him, all needy like.

We had our fingers intertwined together, resting on his thigh.

My head laid on his shoulder and his head was tilted towards mine.

We didn't need to be right on top of each other.

This was enough physical contact.

And besides, I was afraid that if we got any closer that my heart would burst out of my chest.

I was smiling so wide I thought my cheeks were going to split.

I shifted towards him some and whispered: "The stars look pretty tonight."

He smiled at me and ran his thumb over my knuckles.

"I know a girl who has an absolute obsession with stars. Not the constellations or astronomy, just the stars themselves."

I smiled, loving how he was opening up to me.

I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, brushing pieces away from his eyes.

"What was her name?"

His eyes lit up and I knew then, that he was excited to tell me about this person who meant as much to him as I did.

"Her name is Rena and she's my best friend. She's got hair that she's constantly dying either pink, blonde, or purple. It's always the same shades of those colors too and it's only when she's gotten bored with her current color. She loves metal music and wears combat boots that are so scuffed up but she won't replace them. She's amazing. You two would love each other."

I believed him.

I really did think I would love her if I ever got the chance to meet her.

I turned onto my side and propped my head up with my elbow on the ground as I said: "She sounds great."

"Not as great as you."

I couldn't help myself as I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.

He pulled away first and buried his face in the crook of my neck, pressing a small kiss there.

I kissed the side of his head, lazily stroking his hair.

HIs lips brushed against my skin as he asked: "Do you think the others are worried about us?"

I shrugged, leaning my head against his.

We were quiet for several moments then I spoke up.

"We have to go back to the group home soon."

His voice was strained as he replied: "Yeah I know."

Neither of us wanted to go back and face the consequences we would have.

I cleared my throat, trailing my fingers down his back, causing him to shiver.

"I think they're going to send me home soon."

His grip on me tightened and he pulled me closer.

Tears formed in my eyes and I gripped him just as tightly back.

His fingers tangled in my hair and shirt and he whispered: "Please don't leave me."

"I'm not going to leave you, sweetie. I'm not going to leave. I promise."

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