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Rations, check. Water, check. Dagger, check. Crossbow and arrows, check. Luke was good to go.

He picked up his rucksack from the branch beside me and settled the straps around his shoulders, attached his crossbow to it and climbed down. He'd  been sheltering on a heavy branch of a tree for a around 24 hours so it was time to move on.

265 days. That's how long it had been since Luke had saw the people he once called his family. 309 days since the outbreak. 12 hours since he last ate.

He was beginning to run out of rations hence the lack of eating, he was bracing himself but was so malnourished that he was seeing double vision so took out the last of his beef jerky and nibbled at it as he marched.

There was no danger in sight, he felt safe. For now.

As he continued the journey in search of some sort of river because rivers meant fish and fish meant food.

Crunch of the twigs he stepped on, tweets of the birds singing their songs. Otherwise silence in this godforsaken land.

That was until he heard groans coming from nearby. They've found me, he warned himself so he removed the dagger from the belt that hung loosely around his waisy and held it up for defence. Two of them.

The taller, beefier one was missing his left arm and dragged his right leg as he approached the blonde. His skin was burnt to a crisp and his eye, red and full of hunger. Hungry for human flesh. The smaller one had rope around its neck as if it had tried to end it before it turned, idiot. Everyone knows that the only way to kill a zombie was to aim for the head.

Yes they were zombies. Flesh eating, emotionless zombies who were currently after their breakfast, and Luke decided it wasn't going to be him, in fact he was never going to run away from the fight, he was going to kill the shit out of those motherfckrs.

Luke no last name (not anymore) the bad ass zombie killer. He was ruthless, untouchable and if they experienced human emotion they would for sure be scared of him.

Luke stormed towards them ready to attack when hr tripped on a branch and fell flat on his face. Before he could stand up the thing lunged, putting all of its weight onto the boy and drooling in his face as it tried to dig in. It took all of his strength to push what used to be a man off.

He fell to the ground and all that could be heard was the snaps of the branches digging into His back. Luke took the chance and jumped on top of him and jabbed the small dagger straight between the eyes. Dead. Well more dead than he actually was.

Now to the other one, this one used to be a female and it's bright green dress was covered in mud and was ripped, exposing her blue skinned legs.

He awaited for her to approach, seeing as she was slower than the other one. Take your time, honey. Slightly bored he began whistling, mocking her as she moaned and groaned getting closer inch by inch. Anytime today. He was beginning to lose patience so stepped towards her so there was only a slight gap between them and impelled the weapon into her skull and twisted. Dead.

The blue eyed, not so innocent boy smiled proudly at himself for killing them in record time.

He checked their pockets for any valuables and left, continuing the journey, walking for another 3 hours until the sound of the stream hitting against rocks rung in Luke's ears. I found it.

As he approached the river he watched the  water hitting against the rocks as if it were the most beautiful thing he had ever come across. Removing the black combat boots  and socks then rolled up the legs of his camouflage trousers he stepped in. It was freezing but he stayed still on the spot in order to get used it. bent down and splashed the fresh h20 into his dirt covered face and watched as it dripped off his neck and disappeared into the flowing river.

Then he once again removed my dagger from my belt and moved in deeper in search of fish. Now it was a waiting game. Hr scanned the transparent liquid and spotted movement, a small cod fish, result. His dagger was held up above his broad shoulders ready to kill in 3,2,1..
Got it in one. He smirked and pulled the lifeless fish out of the water and took it out to shore where he had set up a fireplace, took the barely working lighter out of the rucksack and lit the set up branches and leaves, forming a small flame. Then hr blew lightly on it in order to make a sizable fire, setting out the fish on top and waited for his supper to cook.

Onc the Cod was almost buenjny he shovelled the cooked fish into his dry mouth, hardly taking bites he was that hungry. The sight seemed as it he were a zombie digging into a defenceless human.

The loud eating was interrupted by a strange sound. Great, my mealtime was disrupted by a stupid ass zombie.

But the sound wasn't like it usually was, groaning. It was more like.... crying. The soft whimpers were distant, but close enough so that the alert boy could hear. He reminded my self that iy was probably a trap. A defenceless kid in the woods in need of saving whilst their group stole all of his supplies leaving him vulnerable.

Not gonna happen.

Luke grabbed his stuff and readied the crossbow because if this was a trap all hell was gonna break loose.

One step closer. Two steps...

The person was sitting on a log about 2ft away was a boy. His back was faced to Luke but it was definitely a boy and he was obviously crying his eyes out.

He equipped thr crossbow with an arrow and edged slowly towards him.

"Put your fucking hands in the air and face me slowly."

The boy jumped in fright but complied and spun around to face the tall lad standing in front of him, his large hands shaking as he did so.

"Please don't hurt me, Mr." He sniffed.

Luke lowered his weapon.

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