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Ashton lay down the rake on the wet, muddy ground, he was exhausted. He'd  been planting those damn potatoes for 4 hours straight.

"Stop slacking." A graspy voice called. He was stern but fair. Everything they needed in a leader. But he was such a pain in an ass sometimes.

"I needed a break, Cal. Cut me some slack!" The hazel eyed teen yelled back.

He glared at Ash through the barbed wire fence then continued to do his rounds. As he walked away he shouted "You're on the next run. Go prepare."

Shit. He dispised going on the supply run and was pretty content therr, away from those. Those creatures that were the cause of his night terrors. Those creatures who tore the boy's family apart.

The group had settled in an abandoned prison which sure, they would come to but they rarely ever came face to face with them seeing as the designated sniper, Michael never missed a shot. They were safe for the time being.

Ashton lazily dragged back towards the prison to be greeted by his girlfriend. She was beautiful from head to toe. Her blonde hair that sat on her shoulders and shone in the sun. Her piercing green eyes glistened when she smiled, showing her pearly whites.

She rocked those khaki shorts that showed off her slim tanned legs that she wore. Even though she was covered in muck, due to the fact that we needed water to drink, not clean.
she smelt a little fousty, but then again so did Ashton so it didn't matter much. They needed each other and he had convinced himself he was content.

They hadn't had sex yet because to be truthful, Ashton wasn't ready. It was never the right time or the right place. It just never felt right. Although he could never figure out why.

She didn't mind the lack of sex though, she only cared for the curly headed boy and was okay with the occasional make out session in the cells and a spoon now and again. But it was obvious she was growing impatient because she had needs too. He just wasn't ready.

"Hey baby!" She called, wrapping her thin arms around his neck.

"Hi, Emily." Asthon placed his arms around her hips and lifted her up of the ground.
"Wanna make out?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Aw I'd love to beautiful but I have to go on a run."

She pouted. She knew how dangerous it was and she hated him going. "I'm coming with you."

"No way. You're staying here." The boy protested. Before she could reply hr put his long finger to her cherry lips. "No." He said sternly, she nodded.

Kissing her cheek goodbye he went to find the group he was journeying with. "Over here, Irwin!" Michael waved. Calum was there too and he was currently directing the group.

There were 5 of them. Michael, the red head, whose roots were atrocious. He wore a long black leather jacket (which he must have been boiling in) with a white tee which had many holes and stains and black swimming trucks, he wouldn't be walking a fashion show anytime soon.

Calum wore brown combat boots with a black tank top with 3 quatre length camouflage shorts. And the twins, Elisa and Elise the wore the same attire. Black tshirts, grey jogging trousers and Nike trainers. Each of them looked tattered and worn out.

"We there's a shopping mall around 100 miles east, we leave now we should be there around 4pm." Calum informed.

"Okay we all ready? Good let's go." Ashton waved good bye to Emily who looked devastated at the departure.

The team made their way to the truck that was used solely for supply runs. Calum took the wheel with Michael in the front and Elise, Elisa and Ashton rode in the back.

The twins chatted away to each other as Ashton just leaned against the window in silence watching our surroundings disappear as Calum drove. With shaking hands Ashton opened the locket attached to the chain on my neck and smiled as he seen the picture of the four of them, Mum, Lauren, Harry and himself. The family. He reminisced all the memories they had shared together. Being tucked in at night by his beautiful mother who read bedtime stories and held him as he cried. When his younger siblings fought over toys. All the little things.

Life back then was a breeze compared to hid now lonely existence. Tears began to stroll down his face when he mentally slapped myself for being weak. Hr had to be strong otherwise he wouldn't survive.

Time flew by as they reached their destination. The place was swarmed.
And the flesh eating zombies had already noticed their presence and we're fast approaching.

Each of them in turn pulled out guns and Calum ordered his peers to open fire, and they complied without complainy. Bullets bounced and hit their targets, straight between the eyes, piercing the skull and the lifeless creatures slumped to the ground, falling on top of each other.

Reload. Aim. Fire.

They had gotten into the routine of shooting and soon there were only a few left, which meant they could easily make a run for it towards the mall.

Ashton pulled the handle and kicked the door open, knocking the flesh eater to the ground and jumped out of the truck, gun at the ready. And then he sprinted along with the group, past the living dead and towards the front doors.

For the next couple of ours they all  scavenged the mall, only taking what was needed. Food, clothes, water and weapons where they could be found.

"Okay roll out." The leader called.
They were faced with a few threats on the way but the were dealt with easily by Michael.

Outside was where Ash spotted something he never thought he'd see ever again, a deer. It was truly beautiful and the first thing that came into his mind was..... food.

With the need to prove him self to the group he foolishly ran towards it despite the protests.

He was getting closer and closer when it noticed his presence and sped off. So the puffed out boy continued to run, following her into the woods, the calls of the group becoming distant.

Just keep going Ash, you can do this.

Deeper and deeper into the woods it dashed as he pursued. But the animal was too fast and wasn't in shooting range. He was beginning to get breathless so finally gave in and stopped on the spot.

Shit I'm lost. Ash had no idea which direction to go back in. So sat on the nearest log and sobbed his eyes out. I'm such an idiot, what the hell did I think I was doing?

His punishing thoughts were interrupted when the sound of rustling leaves could be head from behind.

"Put your fucking hands in the air and face me slowly."

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