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Ashton poured a bottle of water over himself, he felt discusted by what he had just done, rather what he let Luke do to him. Luke on the other hand was beaming, he had this boy wrapped around his little finger and it was only a matter of time before he could set out his plan.

So what he sucked a guy off for the sake of his plan? In the bigger picture who really cares? If it meant being one step closer to Ashton then he would do it again in a heart beat because without the princess he had no way out of here.

Once Luke had left Ashton's cell he smirked, proud of his job, well now he knew something else he was good at.

He made his way out into the yard where Calum, their 'noble' leader was shooting some hoops, where he got the basketball, Luke didn't really care to ask. He walked over to the boy and politely asked if he could join.

Calum shot him a glare but bounced the ball over anyway, Luke dribbed, shot and the ball fell threw the net. Luke knew Calum didn't like him alot after the whole threatening his group and all but he needed the tanned boy on side.

"Next run."

"What about it?"

"Can I come?"

"Hell no."

"Why the fuck not, I'm a better fighter than all of your men and women put together."

"Yeah but I don't trust you."

''You need me."

"Not quite. Now fuck off out of my sight before I do something I regret."

"Yes sir!" Luke mock saluted and marched off as Calum watched with clenched teeth. He really hated that boy and Luke kind of enjoyed the fact he could wind him up so easily.

Luke wasn't always like this, you see, he was kind, caring, thoughtful and a mammas boy. That's why is heart was jet black, because he lost her, them and he couldn't do anything to bring them back.


"Mum we're gonna be okay, I promise you with my life, I'll protect you, okay? Don't cry. It's gonna be okay." The young blonde comforted his sobbing mother.

She couldn't do it anymore, she had just watched two of her beautiful boys be eaten alive and then killed by her other boy, it was all too much for her. She was in shock.

Liz stared into space, dreaming of a time before they came. She would hold her sons at night when they cried from a nightmare, scold them when they did wrong. She had brought up 3 beautiful boys all on her own and 2 of them were wiped from existance.

She couldn't go on. "Mum I know this is hard but you gotta woman up if we're gonna survive this. We gotta survive this. Jack and Ben would have wanted this, you and I against them all, okay?"

Liz nodded and let her son help her up from the cold hard ground. "Stay close and be as quiet as you can."

They planned to sneak out of the place they once called home, past the walkers without being caught. Luke quietly opened the front door and led Liz out. "Come on." He whispered.

She followed and they made their way through the front garden and out into the open. Yes, of course Luke was scared, terrified infact, but he had to stay strong for both of them, because Liz couldn't be. Not now.

She made him into the strong man he was today so he had to repay her by being the one who protects them for once.

Much to their dismay, one of them spotted the two humans and began charging towards them, it's flesh eaten skin above its lip revealed the teeth ready to munch.

"Run!" Luke grabbed a hold of her hand and dragged them in the opposite direction of the house before any more of them noticed their presence.

They turned a corner where they were greeted by another one, who managed to bump into Liz, making her tumble to the ground. Before Luke could act the Zombie was hovering over her and had bit into the skin of her wrist.

Blood squirted out of her veins like a waterfall. It was too late.
Luke savagely pulled the monster off of his mother and repeatedly shot at it, even though he was sure it was 100% dead. He was just avoiding what was to come.

"Luke. Enough." His mother managed, weakly. He immediately stopped shooting and ran to his mother's aid. "We can fix this." The boy was in clear denial. But Liz however, knew her fate.

"Baby, give me the gun and go."

"No we can-"

"Luke Robert Hemmings, do as your mother tells you and clear off."

A group of them was forming and making their way towards them. Luke sobbed whilst kissing his mother farewell and ran away like the coward he felt he was.

Then he heard the gun shot. He slumped down the wall and put his head in his hands.

I've failed her.

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