The other side.

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Sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. Oops (hi).I should probably make up a writing schedule or something.

Little bit of Malum is all I need.

Calum decided not to invite Ashton to the next run, he'd be an idiot to. Ashton was weak and would be a complete liability to the operation. So he asked his best chance, Michael to go on the supply run with him. Of course he asked others to come along, but Michael was his best option.

Michael, the red head who dominated his dreams, the man who he lusted after every since they met. Calum wasn't gay, he was still attracted by females, but Michael was the exception. Maybe he was bisexual or something like that. He didn't know and didn't question it. It didn't sicken him that he had those feelings for a guy. Infact he kinda liked it.

He watched in awe as Michael filled the back of the truck with the team's back packs and as he stretched over his shirt lifted, revealing his cute little tummy.

The group of four set off on their journey to collect some rations from a nearby mall, not the one they last went to, which was now swarmed with walkers.

Once they reached their destination, and 'Good Shot Michael' blasted out any threat they had the team warily made their way in to the shopping centre. "Flash lights on guys." Calum instructed, soon being blinded by Michael's torch in his face. "Thanks Mike." Calum fake glared, receiving a smug grin from the red head.

"Split up. Michael you're with me. Louis. Liam you go west."

"Sir." They nodded, accepting their mission.

"If you wanted alone time with me you should have just asked you know." Michael giggled as the two headed towards a clothes shop to replace their worn out ones with newer ones.

"If I wanted to get you alone. I could. Anytime." Calum wiggled his eye brows confidently.

"Sure boss." He replied sarcastically.

"Michael you go grab some clothes for the girls. I'll get the guys."

"What the hell do I know about girls clothes. You go get 'em."

"That's an order." Calum said sternly because the guy may be cute but at the end of the day, this Kiwi boy was the leader.

"Fine." Michael huffed and lazily walked over to the girls section and picked at random whilst Calum picked out clothes for the guys to wear, although the girls could also wear them if they wanted to.

He searched through the racks for practical clothing until he heard a high pitched scream.

"Michael!" His eyes widened and he rushed over to find the boy in need.

He eventually found the boy fighting off two zombies on his own, one tackled him to the ground and attempted to gnaw at the flesh on his neck.

Calum went for the other one. He raised his dagger, not wanting to gain any attention by using his gun and swung for the creature, piercing in between the eye balls. The Walker fell to the ground with a thump.

Then he moved on to the one on top of his love, he pushed it off and repeatedly stabbed it in the chest before striking for the skull. "Bitch." He muttered. No one touches Michael.

"Are you okay?" Calum held out his hand to support Michael on his way up. "Yeah. Thanks." The red head took it gladly and fell into Calum's arms. He hated showing emotion but this time he was almost a goner and the tan skinned boy was there to save him.

Michael sobbed softly in strong arms. "Okay. It's okay." Calum soothed.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Michael kissed his cheek numerous times.

"Is that all I get." Calum joked, not excepting the reaction he was about to get.

Michael placed his plump lips to Cal's and swiped his tongue against his teeth.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that.

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