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Hey guys. I apologise in advance if this chapter sucks. I've been lacking motivation to write because I'm having a pretty rough time atm but I don't wanna let you guys down, so here goes..

"Don't come any closer or I'll blow his fucking brains out."


"What the hell are you doing?" Ashton hissed at the blonde currently holding a gun to his head.

"If I were you I'd try and be more polite to the guy who has your life in his hands." Luke whispered not so innocently in his ear.

Calum and Michael both held their hands up in defence, not wanting to provoke Luke any further. They had just gotten their friend back, they didn't want to risk losing him again. "What do you want from us?" Calum inquired.

"I want weapons, food, water, more arrows and clothes if you have anyway. Call it my reward for putting up with your pet." Luke gestured to Ashton by digging the gun deeper into his cheek.

"Okay okay. We'll get you what you need. Just don't hurt him, please?'' Calum pleaded. And began to step backwards slowly, still facing Luke.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just hurry up okay? Before I lose my patience." He replied nonchalantly. Calum nodded and began to run back to camp with Michael leaving the two boys alone.
The silence was deadly. Ashton attempted to squirm out of Luke's grip however the blonde simply chuckled and tightened his hold on Ashton.

Minutes later a breathless Calum returned own his own carrying a rucksack.

"Here." He said through gritted teeth, tossing the bag in Luke's direction. "Much appreciated." The boy said with a wide grin.

And then Calum laughed. Why is this idiot laughing? Luke asked himself. Is he stupid?

"Don't know if you've noticed, but I have a sniper, who has a shit hot aim by the way, on you at this precise moment. So how about we all stay calm and you let our boy go. Unharmed."

Luke was livid. He puffed loudly through his nose. "Oh well then " He replied to the cocky lad and pulled the trigger......

Ashton closed his eyes and screamed expecting to be blown to pieces, however all he heard was "Crap." Coming from his captors mouth and a giggle from his leader.

"Probably should've checked you had bullets huh?" He smiled sarcastically at a speechless Luke. "Now let Ashton go."

Luke shamefully complied and pushed the shocked Ashton to the ground, whose eyes were still glued shut.

"Now unless you want blown to bits I suggest you drop your weapons and come with me. Don't be stupid." Cal warned him.

Luke slowly began to disarm himself thinking of ways he could get out of the mess he created. Finally the shaken up boy on the ground began to open his eyes, snapping himself back into reality. He looked up at the guilty looking boy standing in front of him feeling slightly sympathetic before he remembered; that guy tried to kill me.

Suddenly filled with rage, the smaller boy lifted himself up and lunged at the blonde, blindly throwing punches at his chest, spitting any curse word that came into mind.

"Enough." Calum roared, Ashton immediately stopped and rushed to the Kiwi boy's side. "If we're killing this jerk, I call dibs." He crossed his arms. "Ashton you can't kill anyone." The older boy mumbled back making Ashton pout.

Once Luke was dragged, literally, by Calum to the camp he recieved a hard slap across the face by Emily, who after assaulting the boy ran into Ashton's arms.

Oh how the tables have turned. Luke was the one calling the shots, and now he was locked up in a cell alone.
He was left there until morning when the boy he recognised as Michael grunted waking him up and unlocked the cell. He was grabbed roughly by the arm and taken to the main area where the whole group of, 20 were gathered for Luke's ''disaplinary meeting".

He heard angry chants being directed at him but held his head up high anyway, if they're going kill me, I go out with pride, get thought.

Michael pushed Luke down on to a seat which was directly in front of Calum who paced back and forward, unsure on how to deal with the assailant.

"Now, now. How shall we do with you then, huh? Have anything to say for yourself?"

Nothing. Clearly bored with these shenanigans Luke began to whistle, mocking the leader.

"Shut up." The blondes white cheek turned crimson red as he was struck by the irritated Kiwi boy.

Cheers from the small crowd could be heard. "Let him 'ave it." They called.
Ashton was one of them, however he couldn't help but feel pitiful. No matter what the boy had done, he didn't deserve this public humiliation.

Before Calum could strike again the shy curly headed boy called out;


Immediately all eyes were on him, including Luke's. Oops. "You got something you wanna say, Irwin?" Calum asked, annoyed at the interruption.

"I um. I- I think we should let him go." The whole group were speechless. Why would he stick up for someone who was completely willing to end his life in a blink?

"What did you say?"

Ashton struggled to come up with the courage to repeat his words.
'' Just let him go. What are we going to do? Kill him? That makes us no better than him. Just let him go." He ordered with a slight confidence in his words.

"Fine. We won't kill you. However, we can't just let you go."
"Then what do you propose we do with him then?" Michael asked.

Calum just smiled.

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