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"2 fucking weeks. 2 fucking weeks I've been on 'community service'. These jerks are keeping me here against my will. Cleaning, they've turned me into a freaking maid'' a tired out Luke exclaimed to the mop he clenched in between his dirty hands.

Calum proposed that Luke stay with them and clean up after the whole group or die. Luke said he would rather die, however the raven haired boy put him to work anyway, despite Luke telling him just to ram a dagger into his eyeballs. He dramatically pleaded with Calum, he would rather lose his life than his dignity. He didn't want their pity, he wanted revenge. And that's what he planned every night as he rested his head on the cold hard floor.

They humiliate me, I get even. He was pissed at the world and more importantly the kid who saved his life. He didn't want or need the boy to stand up for him.

"Luke, you're helping Ashton today, now go help him out out the back."

Great, now they've got me planting fucking daisy's with the town's jester.

He lazily dragged him out into the grassy field where the hazel brown eyed boy was digging up some potatoes and groaned. "What do you want me to do?" He half heartedly asked the busy boy who was lost in his own world. "Hello? I'm talking to you. Are you slow or something?" Luke snapped his fingers in front of Ashton's face, causing the boy to snap out of his daydream.

"S-sorry what did you say?" He asked shyly.

"I said; What. Do. You. Want. Me. To. Do?" Do I need to spell it out, dumbass?"

"Rude. No I don't need you to spell it out for me, thanks though." He crossed his arms and continued "you can pull out those weeds over there" He pointed. You've got to be kidding me. Luke groaned and began to pull at the weeds growing out of the ground.

''So, you not going to thank me?"
The shy boy enquired.


"Uh, saving your ass after you tried to kill me?"

"Oh that. Na." Luke shrugged.

"Asshole." Ashton muttered to himself, not expecting Luke to actually hear him.

"Princess." The blonde came back at him.

"Don't call me that!"

"Okay, princess "

"I should have let Calum kill you."

"We can agree on something then."

The rest of the day the two lads worked in an uncomfortable silence with the occasional grunt and groan coming from Luke and whistling from Ashton. Sweat was dripping off of Luke's pale for head and he needed a break so he removed his gardening gloves and sat down on the ground in a huff.

"Who said you could do that?" Ashton asked, hand on hip.

"I did."

"Well get up and get back to work." Ashton sighed.

"How bout you come make me?" The boy teased.

"I'll-I'll go tell Calum."

"Be my guest princess."

Ashton groaned but held his hands up in defeat and decided to take a break with him. He grabbed his water bottle and took a well deserved sip before chucking the bottle at Luke, who gulped it down.

"You're welcome." Ashton said sassily.

"I don't remember thanking you." Luke explained matter of factly.

"Whatever." Ashton sighed, done with trying with this jerk.

The silence fell once more and both boys returned to their work, both secretly sneaking glances at each other, although if asked they would both deny it. Occasionally they would hear shots being fired in the background from Michael on patrol and the giggles of the children of the group running around on the field. Luke seemed annoyed, mumbling 'shut up' and 'kids are spawn of satan" every once and a while.

"Grub's up lads!' A graspy voice shouted from the background and the two boys couldn't have sped there any faster if you asked them, the were both parched and starved, needing nourishment.

The whole group gathered and collected their food, scoffing down their meals after a long hard day at work and began chatting amongst one an other. Luke could be seen eating his food as if it were his last time in the corner, not giving any attention to his peers. He didn't feel the need to be civil with his captors.

He just needed to get out of this damned place and told himself he would. He just needed a calculated plan.

He knew exactly what, no. Who he needed to manipulate in order to get his way.

And the boy was staring at him this precise moment.

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