Catch me if you can

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All that could be heard was the heavy panting coming from the two boys as they breaked from the kiss. Luke slowly removed his boxers.

He asked himself what the hell he was doing. Did he really need to go this far to gain freedom? Did he have to take this guy's innocence for the sake of liberation?

His answer was fulfilled when Ashton held on to his member and began tugging slightly. He grabbed the boy's arms and pinned them above his head. "You ready for this?" Luke asked seductively.

Ashton looked down and gulped, he was sure Luke's size would leave him sore. But he nodded anyway whilst biting his lip. He aligned with the nervous boy's entrance and pushed in abruptly, making Ashton more. It really hurt.

Luke slowly pulled in and out of him as they both grunted. The pain coming from the inside of Ashton eventually became more pleasurable. So he lifted his legs higher to grant Luke more access, the blonde taking this as a hint to pick up his speed.

He pulled out to the tip only to ram back in again. He repeated this action a few times. "Harder." Ashton begged.

"You want it rough huh?" Luke breaked to ask.

"Yes." Ashton screamed.

"Well you asked for it." He winked. Luke pulled out of Ashton. Let go of his hands and grabbed his legs to flip him over so he was on his hands and knees. "You sure you want it like this?" He asked.

"Mhm." Ashton twisted his neck around to his shoulder to reassure Luke, who smirked and readied him self. He shoved back into Ashton who muttered something incoherent since he was biting on to the bed sheets.

Luke pushed Ashton's head down with one free hand and began to speedily thrust into the boy.

"OH Luke." He moaned.

"Ashton." A stern voice called. Though it wasn't Luke's.

"Get dressed. And see me in my cell." Calum roared.

"Can't I finish up?" Luke turned around to say, still inside of Ashton.

"Move!" He shouted.

Ashton began to squirm so Luke sighed dramatically and pulled out, letting go of his grip. The curly headed boy panicked and rushed off the bed, fumbling around the cell for his clothing. "You know, you don't have to do everything he says." Luke moved up to the top of his bed and leant against the wall.

"Yes I do." Ashton said matter of factly as he began to shimmy on his trousers. "He's our leader."

"Not mine." Luke rested his hands behind his head.

"Good for you. Bye." Ashton scurried out the cell.

"Guess I'll have to finish myself off then." He let out a groan.


"Don't be mad." Ashton whispered to Calum as his leader looked at him with discust. "What the fucķ are you playing at?" He asked.

"I don't know, I was fighting with-"

"Don't give me that, like you can stand here and justify cheating on your girlfriend, who loves you by the way.

But, that's not why I'm mad. Luke, you can't trust him and you know that. What you did is so wrong, he's our prisoner, Ashton. And you forget that not long ago the guy tried to kill you.

And he would have if fate wasn't on your side. How could you be so stupid?" Calum sat in his chair, screaming at Ashton.

"I'm, I'm sorry." Ashton started to well up.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Calum hissed.

"You're not gonna tell-" Ashton began but was interrupted by his leader holding his hand up.

"No. It's not my place, but you are. I don't condone cheating and it's better coming from the horses mouth."

"Please Calum, I can't." He begged.

"Well if you're big enough to cheat you're big enough to own up to it." His leader calmly said.

"No." The boy, gaining some confidence sternly said.

"What did you just say to me?" Calum got up out of his seat, knocking it back slightly.

"You're not the boss of me, Calum." He said, crossing his arms.

"Actually, I am. And if you can't abide by my rules, you aren't welcome here."

"Fine." The boy stubbornly said.

"Fine?" Calum raised an eyebrow, no one ever had the audacity to question his authority, until now. He tried his best to stay calm but stormed toward the boy who stepped back with every stride he took.

"You little." He began, reaching for the collar of Ashton's shirt.

"S-sorry." Ashton cried out.

"You're a liability here Ashton, good for nothing. All you are is a pain in my neck, you know that? Everyone here knows it." Calum spat.

Ashton knew he was right, but that didn't stop it from hurting him. He was sensitive. He squirmed out of Calum's grip, running out of the prison, out into the field, past the gate and into the woods, where he could be could finally be useful, out of sight, out of mind. He didn't belong there and no one would miss him.

And so he ran, tears blurring his vision as he dodged trees and branches until he couldn't take it any longer.


"Have you seen Ashton?" Calum asked around, receiving shrugs and shakes of the head. His final destination being Luke, who he caught... we won't go in to that.

After screaming his lungs out at the poor, sensitive boy, he instantly regretted it. It was Calum's job as leader to know which group member could take what, what their insecurities were and which lines to cross. Calum crossed that line and now Ashton was alone, missing and it was all his fault.

"Michael." He ran over to the red head. "We need to find Ashton. Get your best men together and help me find him, hurry." He panted.

Michael was quick to accept his task and went on to find his best men whilst Calum went off to ask help of someone he never thought he'd ask, but he was desperate.

"Luke. I need your help."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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