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''Who the hell are you?'' The blonde demanded from Ashton.

''I'm lost.'' the shy boy returned.

''That's not what I asked.'' Luke replied sternly.

''I-I um I'm Ashton.'' He held out his hand for Luke to take, who just stared at it as if it were riddled with disease. ''No one.'' he simply said. 'Nice to meet you no o--.'' the shy boy went to say but was cut off by Luke who decided this kid wasn't worth his time. ''Okay bye!'' Luke said in a fake cheery tone beginning to walk away.

''Wait!'' Ashton called after him making Luke groan but stop in his tracks anyway. "Don't leave me here, please?" He begged.

"Why you out here on your own anyway. Aren't you scared the big bad monsters will come out and eat your brains?" Luke mocked.

"No. I'm lost is all. How about you help me find my way back?"

Suddenly Luke had a cunning idea. "What's in it for me?" He answered with a devious grin, inching towards the timid adolescent who stepped backwards.

"Well if you take me home, my group can provide you with more arrows? I see you're running out there. Deal?"

"Fine. But on one condition. You don't talk to me and you do what ever I tell you to do. Got it? I don't want your weak ass getting me killed out here.

"Rude." Ashton muttered under his breath. "But yeah, sure."

"Hurry up then." And impatient Luke ordered the smaller boy.

"So what age are you?"
No reply.

"Are you alone ?"
No reply.

"Where you from?"
No reply.

Ashton was really starting to get on Luke's last nerve.


"Will you shut up, I'm trying to not get us killed here."

"What did the Stark Family call their barber shop?" Ashton awaited a reply but recieved silence.

"Winter is combing." He giggled away at his own joke.

Over the sound of Ashton's squeals Luke almost didn't hear the faint groaning coming closer and closer.
Without warning he pushed the fragile boy against a tree trunk and placed his hand across his mouth using the other to place a finger to his lips making Ashton nod profusely.

He signed at Ashton to stay completely still and slowly reversed so he could scan how many there were, he counted 10.

Fight or flight. Fight or flight


The boy held an uncompromising smile across his face as he prepared his crossbow, drew an arrow, pulled it back and released piercing the zombie though the skull, making it fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He repeated the action twice more when he realised he had no more arrows left.

A delicate Ashton handed him his gun with shaking hands, Luke gladly took the weapon and pulled the trigger with ease. The bullet ricocheted from a tree, bouncing from one zombie to another. 6 left.

Luke used the cabot gun to free fire on the flesh eaters. Leaving him with one more. Pulling out his dagger he marched towards the creature, who was wailing frantically and speeding up it's pace in order to reach Luke who got there first, jabbing the weapon in between the eyes.

The creature dropped to the ground completely life less.

Luke turned around to face a timid Ashton who gawked at the expression less boy in awe.

"Let's get you home, kid."

Ashton reluctantly agreed to stop bothering Luke on their journey back to the prison due to being threatened by the ill-tempered, older boy numerous times.

Instead they walked in silence as they walked, Luke scanning their surroundings for any possible threats. Soon it was dark and both boys agreed that it was time for rest. They perched themselves on the branch of a tree and Ashton fell into a deep sleep. Luke, although he would never admit it if you were to ask, watched the sleeping teen in admiration as he softly snored away.

It was morning and Luke was already up and ready. "Rise and shine!" He unconsideratly yelled, throwing his bottle of water at the still sleeping Ashton. He just mumbled something completely incoherent and scooted next to the discusted Luke who pushed him off, making the teen fall off of the tree and to the ground.
"Oops." Luke laughed to himself and climbed down to attend to the cursing boy. "What the hell man, why would you do that?" He exclaimed.

"You touched me." The older boy shrugged. After about 5 minutes of Ashton complaining about how his arm was probably broken they set off. Due to constant nagging coming from the curly headed boy Luke gave him the last of his jerky in annoyance.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Ashton asked.


"Wow, you're a chatty one aren't you?Shut up, I can't hear myself think because of your constant chatter."

Luke turned his head, glaring and Ashton instantly shut up.

Around 3 hours later the prison was in sight and Ashton beamed, he was home. They picked up the pace until they were face to face with the entrance.

Ashton struggled to push open the gate whereas Luke opened it with ease and they entered the area, Luke walking slowly behind, Ashton figured it was because he was nervous to meet the group. But that obviously wasn't it.

They were close enough to be spotted by Michael who was doing his rounds and called for Calum.

"Holy shit! Cal, he's alive!"

That's when Luke took the opportunity. He sped up his pace and grabbed Ashton, forcing his strong arm around the thin boys neck and using his free hand to place the gun to his head.

"Um what the fuck are you doing?" Ashton whimpered.

Calum and Michael, alarmed, grabbed their weapons and began running towards the two boys.

"Don't come any closer or I'll blow his fucking brains out."

Dun dun dunnnnmmm
I love you lots.

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