Chapter 2- The Ball

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You looked at yourself in the mirror as you tweaked your various pieces of hair. "Perfect." You whispered to yourself in delight as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You fit the dress perfectly, your makeup done beautifully, you were stunning. You looked at your mother, who in delight smiled at how wonderful you looked. "Now just wait a few minutes, no one has arrived yet." She said as you saw the door close behind you. After about 10 minutes you heard a knock at your door. "Mistress?" You recognized that voice. Your maid Sarah. "Yes!?" You asked gently but with enthusiasm. "There are a few guests that have arrived, you may come out now." She said. You opened the door to see your maid, Sarah. Sarah was tall and elegant, yet humorous and believe it or of your best friends. That's right, she was your best friend. You didn't have friends. You looked up at her as she smiled. Sarah had brown hair that always smelt like pine cones and had green eyes that glistened like emeralds, she was around 20, but that didn't change the fact that she was your best friend. Her hair was shoulder length and had the prettiest smile. You hugged the maid before you, she hugged back hesitantly. "You look beautiful." She said, her voice was smooth like melted caramel. "Thank you. I'm going to introduce myself." You said confidently, you were so excited. You tried to be as formal as possible as you gently walked down the long staircase, you could feel eyes staring you down. You heard them whisper, "She's absolutely gorgeous." and "Her dress is stunning." You then heard a loud gasp of a man as you approached the bottom of the staircase. Your mother and father smiled as your father said "This is our daughter (y/n), She will be looking for a fiancé this evening." You blushed as you saw the various people around you stare. "I cannot believe the beauty given upon this young lady!!!!" You heard a man say as he jumped gracefully towards you and grabbed your hand. "This young lady is astonishing!!! I do not deserve to even look upon her!!!" Said the tall blonde man. He wore all white, his eyes were a blue. You weren't really paying attention, all you could notice was the way he was acting, childish. He threw himself on the floor and bowed to you, you rolled your eyes at him and simply said "Please sir, this isn't necessary." Your father stared at the man and then grabbed your hand. Your father was a handsome man, he had brown eyes that resembled fresh wooden floors, he had black hair that looked like shiny polish on new shoes, he was elegant, but had quite a temper...that's where you got yours from. Your father guided you toward the other side of the room as music was beginning to play. He twirled you around and said softly "Stay away from that man. He doesn't seem...right. For now, introduce yourself to the others around, there should be more coming very soon." You nodded as you made your way toward the door. You began greeting those who made their way inside. You had just finished a conversation with a woman, you sat down and watched everyone dance. You were interrupted by a figure in front of you. " a sight, isn't she Claude?" You looked up to see a boy. He had blonde hair, golden..crisp. He had blue eyes, light blue eyes..they were like crystals, he handsome. Beside him was a tall, dark and to say creepy man. The man just stared at you and said "Quite." You smiled at the boy as he held your head up with his hand, "What's your name?" He asked gingerly, his voice was very happy and bubbly. "(Y/n)" You said quietly, he held his hand out and you looked up at him. "Come on!" He said cheerfully, you smiled and took his hand, as he led you to the dance floor. You both danced as everyone watched, you couldn't stop looking at his eyes, they were gorgeous. "Silly me! I never introduced myself did I? Alois Trancy my lady!" He giggled. You smiled and said simply "Nice to meet you." You both danced and danced as you made conversation with Alois. "I want to see you again." You said softly, he looked at you in shock, he then blushed a bit and then hid all emotion with cheer, "Me too!" He smiled. Once the dance was over, Alois giggled as he brung his face towards yours "That was fun." He whispered in your ear, then you felt something on your ear. He licked it. Then he giggled as he pulled away, you blushed red. "Maybe you can come to my manor, sometime." He smirked. You blushed an even more red than before, then you looked up into his eyes "I'd like that." You watched as Alois smiled and walked toward the door. "Come along Claude!" He said, his emotion had changed instantly. From happy and cheerful to angry and frustrated. Then, he turned to you as he stepped out the door "Goodbye (y/n)! Until next time!" He giggled, his emotion again changing instantly. Your mother laid her hand on your shoulder, "My (y/n), handsome boy. Who was he? Seemed like you were having fun." She giggled. You stared at the carriage as it left your manor, "Alois..." You said gently as you blushed. "Alois Trancy.."

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