~Chapter 8~

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You looked up to see Sarah, her green eyes showing concern. "Yeah. Just a nightmare." You said, pretending to be alright. Sarah looked at you and looked down at the floor. "Mistress. I must tell you something." She said. She sounded sad, distraught. You looked at her and smiled gently. "You can tell me." You said reassuringly. Sarah looked at you. This wasn't her regular look either, it was different. It wasn't a smile, nor a smirk. It was sad, as if her whole world fell apart. There was a knock at the door. "Miss? It's time for tea.. and breakfast." You recognized the voice. It was Hannah. You answered politely, "Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes." Sarah got up and started looking for your clothes. You sat crossed on the bed. "Hey, are you going to be okay?" You asked, making sure Sarah was okay. Sarah turned around and faintly smiled, "I will be. I just worry." She said. You smiled and waited for Sarah to get your clothes. Soon after you were dressed and prepared, you made your way toward the door. There standing, was Hannah. You smiled as she escorted you to the dining table. Sarah followed, just as the day before. You sat down, Alois smiled regularly and giggled. There was a knock at the front door. Alois happily jumped up and skipped toward the door, "I'll get it!" He said cheerfully. He returned with a letter. "Look! It's for you (y/n)!" He giggled. You looked at him confused and took the letter from his hands. You opened it.
Dearest (y/n),
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My condolences. Your family was very dear to me, and so you shall be too. I hope to see you soon. My dearest kitten.
~The Queen.
You stared at the letter in silence. "S-Sarah." You said gently, staring at the words. "Wh..what is she talking about?" You looked toward Sarah, she had her head down as she approached you. "My lady..." You stared at Sarah as tears streamed down your face. "No..don't say it.." You got up out of your chair and walked a few steps. Alois had the audacity to read your letter, he watched as you put your hand over your mouth. Sarah looked over to you and put her head down. "Your parents are dead." She said. At that moment you collapsed onto the floor. "No..No!!!" You screamed as you drowned in your puddle of tears. Sarah went to hug you, but you pushed her away, "Don't touch me!" You screamed. Sarah started to walk away when you grabbed her ankle. "Wait...don't leave me alone.You're all...I have..." You sobbed. Alois wide eyed stared at you, it reminded him of Luka. Of himself. As if you were a reflection of him. You were one, the same. You were just like him....
'Don't leave me alone.'

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