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"do you know the answer for three?" luke asked, biting on the end of his pen as he eyes read over the question for the third time.

luke and ashton were sat at a small table in the very back corner of the high school student filled cafeteria. luke was working on his homework that was due in his next class. ashton was staring blankly at his phone, hardly eating the sandwich that was placed on his tray, along with various other foods that were carelessly prepared by the lunch lady. 

ashton looked up casually to see which subject luke was working on. he read over the question and possible answers then furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "maybe a, i don't know. i suck at maths." he mumbled. luke nodded and circled the answer he had been given. ashton slumped back in his chair, continuing what he was doing on his phone.


luke was about to walk into his class room when he was unexpectedly dragged back from the door by the back of his school uniform. luke didn't have time for whoever was hassling him, since he was already 10 minutes late for class (blame his homework). he was spun around as he was pushed against the old brick wall. "ow, what the fuck?" luke whined as he looked up to see who had caused him to be even later to his class.
"oh shut it, cry baby," michael said in an annoyed tone.
"what do you want michael?" luke asked as tears started to form in his eyes
"ohmygod don't cry," michael sighed "i just want your homework."
"come one, cry baby, i know you did it! you always do your homework."
"leave me alone," luke said as he struggled against michael's force.
"give it to me, i'm gonna get a detention if i don't hand it in."
"why would i help you?" luke spat
"if you help me, i won't hit you," michael smirked. luke's mouth dried as his eye's filled with fear. michael had never threatened to hit him before. luke said a small "okay" and michael let him go. the small blonde swung his backpack off and searched frantically through it, trying to find the small sheet of irrelevant math questions.
"here!" luke said quickly as he passed the sheet to the taller boy. michael pulled it out of luke's hands and walked to class. luke put his bag back on and followed closely behind michael.
"why are you following me?"
"we have class together," luke mumbled as he passed michael.

the two boys entered their classroom. luke silently prayed that the teacher wouldn't notice them walk in.
"mr. hemmings and mr. clifford," their mid 30's teacher said in a sarcastic tone "what may be the reason you're-" he paused to look at the old watch on his wrist, "15 minutes late?"
"they were probably fucking in the bathrooms," a brunette boy yelled out from the back of the class room. everyone laughed and luke blushed, looking at the floor.
"shut the fuck up ben," michael yelled, flipping him off, "i'd never fuck a cry baby," michael said as he walked to the seat his friend had saved for him.

luke walked up to his teacher slowly, his head still down. "i'm sorry mr. gaskarth i- we were late because i was helping michael with his homework and we lost track of time. we didn't hear the bell," luke said quietly. the teacher nodded and sent luke to sit down. "speaking of homework, sheets on my desk," mr. gaskarth said loudly. half of the students groaned, including luke. michael strutted up to the front with an innocent smile covering his face. he smirked at luke then put his hands in a fist and placed them under his eyes in a crying motion. luke knew michael was doing it because he knew luke was going to get in trouble for not doing his homework.

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