The Secret

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Ahhh! I hit published. First book I'm writing on here! Thanks for taking an interest and I will do my best to keep this thing updated! Enjoy! Also those who do take interest. Do read on. I promise this book will make you laugh, maybe cry (if your that emotional), cringe with suspense, and more! Message comment do whatever you want to contact me. I'd love to take suggestions.    


“Leave me alone!” I rip my arm from my boyfriend’s grip. Hector looks at me with blazing eyes and I feel his hand getting hotter on my arm.

“Melanie. Stop it! You know you should have never meddled in with my little brother’s relationship!” He spits into my face. I look at him knowing if I roll my eyes I will only anger him more.

“Look,” I begin feeling my calm fade, “His girlfriend happens to be my neighbor and she is a good friend to me! She is only 15!” My serene facade is gone at this point. “She needed to know your little brother happens to only wanted sex from her!”

He slaps me hard on my face. I kick him where it counts and he doubles over. I run to my front door thankful we walked here and were already close to my house. He stays lying on the ground for a while.  Once I'm inside I run to my room wiping the angry tears from my face. His slap hurt my pride more than anything. I can’t believe he ever thought of doing that.

I walk to my kitchen after cooling down a bit and get some peanut butter with a banana. I eat slowly when I realize my house is really quiet. I call out my mother’s name. When I don’t hear anything I go down the hall to her room and find her crying on her bed.

I open my mouth shocked to my core.

My mom never cries…

“Mom…” I say softly scared of what caused this.

“Mel!” She wipes her tears away quickly. She composes herself a bit and asks me to sit next to her. I walk slowly feeling like lead has consumed me whole body. I look at her puffed up face when she asks me,

“Why?” I look at her dumbfounded. She continues, “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”  I look at her skeptically feeling my heart rate speed up.

“What are you talking about?” I squeak out. Could it be about Hector? We haven’t done anything!

“Your uncle.” My heart skipped a beat, she knew. How could she though? After all these years. 11 years no more have passed since then! Since he well molested and abused me. I say the stupidest thing.

“It’s no big deal ma...” I say gently. Of course it is and I feel myself shake.

She doesn’t respond, which I’m thankful for. I don’t really know what to say. I hug her hard and let my 39 year old mother cry all she wanted.

3 Years Later

"Well it bothered me! He is so stupid..." my friend Layla began. She was ranting about her boyfriend's incapability to respond to her text from yesterday. I honestly love it when she gets like this. Not too steamed up but riled enough to give my day some entertainment. Layla is my best friend.

Layla is tall with short wavy hair and a nice tan that I envy. She has pretty brown mysterious eyes and a great smile. I have light skin, hazel eyes, and am just about the same height with her being 5,6. Including some of that corny stuff best friends usually exhibit. She and I have truly been through thick and thin. But my favorite about her is that she does not get hurt so fast and takes life lightly.

It is one trait I have contained and I crave to surround myself around people like that.

"Mel?" Layla interrupts my inner babble and I look at her with an apologetic smile. She knows I blanked and punched my arm.


"I'm sorry! You know I get distracted easily!" I laugh.

From then on we walk a comfortable silence. Layla and I are in our sophomore year in college at the University of Wacker. Do not judge the name. I remember Layla and I laughed so hard when we heard out high school teachers mentioning this prestigious school. How can people take is seriously?

I take in my surroundings. We are in the campus walking to Starbucks where to my left is this huge park which was what I fell absolutely in love with because I can play soccer there with Layla. To my right are some dorms.

After a few minutes pass Layla disturbs our silence.

“So Mel… what are you gonna do about Hector?” She looks at me with concern. I roll my eyes.

“There isn’t really much to be said about Hector. He thought time apart was gonna be too much. Not only that but he slapped me! I don’t care if he said sorry so many times I’m glad a week later we decided to end it. Now that he is back in California does not make me want to be with him. You know me,” I wink at her playfully.

 “I got over him pretty quickly,” I finish. I smile at my proud accomplishment girls usually have trouble dealing with.

It’s true I never fell for the guy so when he broke up with me it wasn’t really too bad. Life goes on.

We get to Starbucks and I order a Cookie Crumble Frappuccino while Layla does for the less calorie intake, a Berry Hibiscus Refresher. As we sit down I hear some music from someone’s lab top playing “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston. I start singing softly to the melody.

“God. I love your voice Mel! You really need to get into song singing lessons. “I look bashfully at her smiling.

“Oh calm your tits” I state using our favorite lines to distract her from my previous singing. It works.

Layla laughs with me when her boyfriend Pete walks in. I look behind her head with my eyes wide open when he catches my eye and starts heading our way.

“Code red! Pete is about to talk to us” I whisper to Layla.

She opens her eyes wide as well but calms herself tensing her mouth a little.

“Layla. I’m sorry I was busy. Can we talk in private?” Pete looks from her to me as if asking if I may release her. I squint my eyes at him and start to get up.

“No Mel. You stay here and enjoy the coffee smell.” She gets up and mouths me the word help. I chuckle under my breath and let the two frantic lovebirds go. I look outside the window at the trees. I feel someone’s eyes boring into my right cerebrum but choose to ignore it. I think about my family. My older brother must be bored without me at home and my mom must be tired from work. It is around 7 pm so she definitely should be eating. Nostalgia fills me and I push my thoughts away.

I smile when I realize I got a Frappuccino and its cold outside. I’ll probably freeze when I get back out there.

“Excuse me mam.” I jump slightly at his deep voice and start having frantic thoughts about wishing I was not alone. I look to my right and see it’s an older gentleman who seems to work in the office of the school.

“Someone is here to see you.” I look at him skeptically. I can never trust men the same much now with so many having screwed me over, but his next words shock me.

“Joe is here to see you. I believe he said he is your uncle.”


Little heavy start but made you interested no? Cover suggestions?

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