Kiki and Melly

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Hey everyone! I am so sorry for being so late. However I hope My Side of The Story has been entertaining to everyone! I still plan to keep updating both novels. Thank you for all the votes and comments are very welcomed! So keep them coming! :) Sorry for any typos!


“Darcy?? Um what does he look like?”

“Why are you reacting so crazy?” Kiara asks narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously. I’m tempted to tell Kiara everything about Layla and Darcy’s undercover mission here, but it is undercover for a reason. Kiara cannot be trusted just yet.

“Did he bring you forcefully here?”

“No. He was actually very kind about it. He even said sorry and that what he was doing was not completely his fault.” Ohh…. Good Darcy is still the good guy.

 I shouldn’t be tripping so badly about everything. I may have kissed him but that doesn’t mean we are exactly a thing yet, nor should I trust him. What was I thinking with that kiss…?

“Melanie? You are spacing out.” Kiara snaps her fingers in front of my face. I laugh and shake my head getting rid of my thoughts.

“Sorry. I do that a lot. My thoughts sometime get the best of me.” I smile to reassure her.

“You’re a funny one. You are not like the other girls here… Thank god for that!” She smiles back at me.

“What do you mean?”

“Most girls here let prostitution rule their minds after a while. So basically they become sluts.” She curls her lip in disgust. I sigh silently thanking my past self to never let that happen.

“Good thing I never really was or plan to be. Prior to being in college I was always a goody two shoes girl in middle and high school. I had only two boyfriends, one being an idiot named Hector and the other being some boring guy from my freshman year. Never have I had sex to them though so I still actually consider myself a virgin.”

“Consider?” She asks intrigued.

“Joe the boss here is my uncle who used to molest me when I was a little girl.” I say this very dryly, like I say it all the time. I smile proud of my voice but Kiara’s look makes me realize I must be looking crazy to her right now.

“Joe is your uncle!? Dude what the fuck kind of life are you living right now!?”

“Calm down Kiara!” I hush her down because I hate it when people freak out. My mother always used to freak out when I was younger and I had to be her mother a few times. It was complete unreasonable then and I rarely tolerate it now.

“Sorry! But oh my god that is just horrible… for your own family member to do that to you… That’s incest isn’t it?”

“Yeah… I had some dark days in middle school but in high school and college I realize there is no need to worry about the past. That it is in the past for a reason. If only younger me would have realized my past would come back and bite me in the ass. I hate Joe. I can’t believe we share the same blood.”

“I know the feeling of family betrayal hun… My father kicked me out of the house when I was just 17.”

“Whoa why?”

“I got pregnant because of a rape. Not even by a boyfriend or anything but by some disgusting man in the dark alley! He of course… didn’t believe me…”

“No way Kiara… I am so sorry how did you live?”

“I started working and actually fell in love with my co-worker. My baby is with him now. I am actually married Melanie.” She stops to compose herself. I see tears in her eyes that haven’t fallen yet.

“What?! Wait elaborate please…” I rub her shoulder softly, getting closer to a massage with each second. She gives me a grateful smile.

“Ahhh… that hits the spot. No one here ever treats me with such care. Thank you… My baby is healthy and alive and my husband and I lived a great happy life. For years he helped me through my rape and we really were getting somewhere you know? Until one night I was alone getting a bite to eat. Of course it was a late lunch and that is when I felt a man’s hand grab my wrist and pull me into a nearby van. I was scared… so so scared and so mad. I tried my best to break free from Darcy but then his sweet words and soft touch helped calm me. That’s when he told me why I was with him. That Joe’s people have been looking for me for so long. Darcy did not tell me why I was so important. However he apologized so many times and it was such a long drive… Though I hate being here… I don’t hate Darcy. I’m glad it was him and not some other creep who found me.”

I take everything in and sigh softly… Poor Kiara. Looks like my life isn’t so bad.

“How long have you been here?”

“I’ve been here for 10 months. I miss my husband Erik so much and my baby Luis. God I miss them so much…” Tear fall now and I hug Kiara hard.

“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry.” I whisper to her and we stay like that for a while.

5 minutes later I break the silence.

“It will be okay Kiki…”

“Did you just give me a nickname?” She gets out of my arms and grins at me.

“Um yes… Is that bad?” I smile now.

“Not at all but Kiki?” I laugh at this point.

“Too bad! It is now branded as your name! So live with it!”

“Thanks for not giving me a chance Melly!”

“Melly? Ewww…. Sounds like jelly.” At that we both begin laughing uncontrollably.

“Wow we don’t act like 20 year old women huh?” She asks after our laughter has calmed down.

“Not a bit but it is nice to stay a kid at heart. Makes life not so serious even though we are in such a crappy serious situation.” We almost start laughing again until I hear 5 big bangs on my door. Then without my permission a man who appears to be 35 years old comes in with a wad of cash.

“Oooh a three some. I didn’t think I’d get this lucky here.” The now disgusting man winks at us.

“Um no sir… I should be leaving actually I have my own customers.” Kiki says in a low somewhat seductive voice to him. Where did that come from she and I were just cracking jokes a few seconds ago…

Kiki turns to me and whispers quickly. “Do what he wants or else…” Before I could respond she leaves outside quickly and I am now alone with a man I never met before…

“Um sir… I didn’t think I was…”

“Shh you. Don’t be a talker. They say I am your first guest and I am very excited for this.” He winks and cups my chin. I pull away automatically.

“Oh you’re a feisty one huh? Don’t be a bitch. You’re a slut remember?”

“I am a virgin though… I don’t know wh—” He stops me mid-sentence as his huge sweaty body overpowers my fragile one. I feel his tongue on my neck and my innocence is soon to be gone…

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