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Okay so I haven’t updated in what 4 days now? With such a big cliffhanger. Hehe sorry about that ^.^ I hope everyone enjoys this chapter though J It is not so romantic which is a little sad but it is definitely different. ;) Excuse grammer!


 “Layla… what are you doi-”

“Shh Mel….” She pushes the door from my room, grabs my hand and pulls me out.

“Where are we going? Layla what are you doing here?!”

“Shhhh Mel! Gosh I will hit you so hard if you do not shut up!” Layla hisses. I keep my mouth shut and run with her in the darkness with curtains all around me. I hear groans from men and cries from women. Oh the morality… Layla grabs my hand tighter as she makes a turn to the right heading toward a door that is slightly open.

When we go through it I find myself outside. I look around me. There is no one in sight… Where is everyone…? Shouldn’t Joe have security or something?

Wait what about Darcy??? What will he do when I am gone?

We reach a black car and I am practically pushed into the passenger seat by Layla. The car is surprisingly on and a few seconds later Layla is on the driver’s seat and speeds off.

Within a few minutes later we are on a highway and that is when she finally speaks.

“All right I guess the truth will have to come out…” I am bewildered at the fact that first of all Layla just saved or well took me away. Secondly… what truth is she talking about?!

“I” she continues, “am part of the CIA.” She pauses looking at my reaction carefully.

“I work in gathering information about foreign governments, corporations, and individuals; analyzing that information.”

“Which means…?”

“I basically was sent to your school to help protect you from your uncle, Joe Mellano.” I feel my body numb at her words... Looks like everyone has their secrets. Not only me but Layla.

“How did you take me away so easily? Did you drug Joe’s people?”

“I cannot disclose that information.” I look at Layla dumb founded. She really is part of the CIA.

“So you know everything about me?”

“Correct.” Layla replies.

“Everything was fake between us then?” I say feeling sadness rise up within me, “How could you lie to me!”

Layla sighs. “I never meant to grow such a bond with you Melanie. I do know everything about you and your well entire life before we met. I know what Joe did to you and I know what Joe anticipated to do with you. The CIA has been tracking Joe’s business with the whole prostitution means and it is our job to put a stop to him.”

“So you are here to…?”

“Save you.” Layla looks away, contemplating her next words. “I deeply care about you Melanie. You truly are considered a friend to me and I know you are hurt. You must think everything we had was a forced act, a job for me but it truly wasn’t just that. Sure first it started that way. I became your friend because it was my job but it developed into a friendship I do not want to lose with you.”

I narrow my eyes at Layla. I am seething with anger, feeling betrayed. “Layla this is not okay with me! You basically lied throughout our whole friendship!”

“And you didn’t Mel?” Layla looks at me, with a hard look. Yup she definitely belongs in a secret agency. She hasn’t broken once.

“You didn’t tell me about your uncle. Did you not trust me?”

“Obviously there is a good reason I didn’t…” I imitate her harsh stare and look deep in her eyes.

Layla sighs again. “Look I am sorry this is what happened. I am sorry this is a job, but I truly do care for you as a friend and sister even.” Her voice breaks a little. Aha! She does care.

 She looks away for a moment.

“Melanie. I saved you, can you just chill with all your rage towards me?” I open my mouth and close it, deciding to not anger my best friend/CIA savior.

I look out on the freeway trying to figure out where we are going but when Layla takes a road I am not familiar with I decide to speak again.

“Where are we going?”

“My house.”

10 minutes later I find myself at Layla’s front doorstep. Her house is a peach color and it is huge! It is indeed two stories and the front door is so lavish. When I walk inside I see stairs to my right, and huge chandelier on the middle of the ceiling.


“I know. Perks in working for the CIA.” Layla smiles and I find myself feeling giddy for the first time in a while.

“Thank you for saving me Layla.”

“You are very welcome Melanie. I am sorry for lying to you for the past two years.”

“I am sorry myself. Guess everyone has a secret.” We laugh at my comment and then I remember.

“Layla… so what about Darcy?”

“Darcy also works with us Mel.”

“That is why he said he would be able to save me… He is a freaking CIA agent!” I smile at the thought of the future hopefully love interest being a cool agent. It must have its perks.

“Yeah… There is just one issue…” Layla grabs my hands.

“Oh no what? Please don’t say it about Darcy…”

“It isn’t about Darcy.”


“One word. Michael.”


Oooooh cliffhangers. I love them!

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