Inevitable Conversation

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Sorry it has been a while again! I have again been busy and today is more of a free day so yay! This chapter does not have much romance but the next one will have lots!


“Michael?! Wait what about him?” I exclaim. Looking at Layla she shakes her head at me and that is when I know…

“He works for Joe. Doesn’t he…”

“Melanie I am so sorry. I really did not research him enough. This is my own fault. I can’t believe I let myself set up that date for both of you. It is my mistake as a CIA. I just wanted to distract you from everything that was going on with Joe. However, instead I brought the accomplice along and Michael was the one who took you from your room.” Layla looks so sad and I am not mad or upset with her at all.

“Layla,” I go up and hug her hard. “This is not your fault. My uncle would have found me some other way. Michael just had an easy shot. I honestly just can’t believe Michael would do that to me! I thought… I thought he and I were friends. I even thought he liked me. God I am so naïve.” Now I needed the hug and though this may be a cheesy moment, Layla and I try to comfort each other.

“It’s okay Mel. But here are the basics.” It amazes me how she can go from sentimental best friend to badass CIA agent in just a few minutes.

“Darcy and I are definitely on your side against Joe and Michael.”

“Anyone else I should be worried about? What about Pete? Is he part of the CIA as well?”

“He actually isn’t but he has known about me for a while. Pete is really the one Mel.” She smiles at me like a high school girl. Those guys that make girls feel like little girls in love really are special.

“That is great Layla.” I grab her hand and squeeze it.

“Well again back to business. We need to arrest Joe and his people.”

“Well call up the FBI or cops to go and get him already then. You’re the CIA isn’t that what you all do?”

“Yes but here is the thing, we need you to get back in there and help us from the inside. I know I just took you out but that was so I could tell you everything. Unfortunately what we don’t know… is how many people is helping Joe and we need you to turn off their security cameras so we can make a stealthy attack. Joe’s main building is our main target to get down and once we have that done we can go to his smaller sections too. However, all you need to do is be in the main department, once you’re done with that you will be set free and the FBI will take care of the rest.”

I contemplate for a moment and start to pace around Layla’s kitchen, which of course is very extravagant. So I have to go back there… and not only to the cheap little area he owns, but the main one. The one he told me he would move me in. I feel my heart race with fear. Can I really do this?

“You can do it Melanie. This will not only help you from your uncle, but for all the other young girls that are being trapped and captured by him. We need you. Those young girls need you.”

“Well don’t I feel like Superwoman.”

Layla chuckles. I laugh a little with her as well, and then I ask the inevitable unfortunate question.

“When do I do this?”


“Already that soon?”

“Yes. I am sorry Mel. The attack is to take place this week surely. In a day or two.”

“What time exactly?”

“Around 10 pm. Here is a cellphone that you will hide in these combat boots. The cellphone is unable to get tracked by Joe’s guys and you will get messages to help you along the way. You can shower and change your clothes into whatever you want here. They are not big on sanitary conditions so take a while in the shower. They do not know that you are equipped either so you should be safe. Be smart Melanie. You are one of the smartest girls I know. Darcy will help you along the way.”

“Okay.” I nod my head at her determined. I take the combat boots, get some clothes from Layla’s room, and head to the blissful shower. I may have a few hours only.

I got to make the best of it.


I will definitely update again soon! My laptop is dying so this chapter had to end up shortish. Blame my brother for using it and not charging it. I hope things are spicing up and I already have some ideas for another book! 

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