Movie Date

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When Darcy leaves my incessant rambling begins.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no! What am I going to do? Joe obviously has no patience for his money situation but how am I going to get my mother to give me $100,000 in just a matter of days. We may have money and all but she works hard for what she does and I most certainly do not want to give money for prostitution!

I feel a headache coming along and check the time. I get up from my bathroom floor, heading to the kitchen and getting some things together for breakfast. I start cooking up some eggs when Layla walks into the door.

“Hey doll face” she says happily. “I got you some of your favorite things!” Layla begins listing out some of my favorite foods and I smile despite what happened this morning.

Layla comes up to me and looks at my face.

“Are you okay? You seem kind of down lately?”

“I’m fine,” I smile at her. “Some things have been stressing me out lately but it’s nothing huge.” I want to tell Layla I really do, but I don’t know how she would take it. I also think her involvement could strangle her in my web of secrets. I also rather her not go through what I am going through either. Layla has had her own issues in high school. College should be the time where she gets to live without worries.

“Oh fine then but we are going to have fun!” she looks at me cheerfully. “I heard that movie End of Watch got out last Friday and is really good!”

“Sounds good.” Maybe a distraction is exactly what I need…


It is now 5pm and Layla and I are buying some popcorn for our movie when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see Michael.

“Michael?!” I scream, happiness filling my body. I hug him hard and ask, “What are you doing here? You should be in LA!”

“It’s nice to see you too Mel!” Michael replies with a big smile. “You should really be asking your best friend what I’m doing here though.”

I look at Layla who is now with Pete. Pete has his arm wrapped around her shoulders and there both grinning obviously proud with their plan. However, this must mean we are on a double date and I’m with Michael…

I look at Michael and notice his tan and green eyes. Why does he have to be so handsome…? Well at least he isn’t some random guy I don’t know this should be fun.

“Yay! I’m happy you’re here Michael!” He grabs my hand and I blush slightly at the contact. Like I said before… flirting has occurred between him and me.

Pete and Layla walk ahead of us into the theatre while Michael and I follow them not too far behind.

“So Mel. How have thing been at the University of Wacker,” he chuckles at the name.

“Oh you know. It’s been pretty amazing. My medical major is going great that I’m keeping up my GPA thankfully! What about you?”

“School is great. I heard about what happened with Hector a while back now. How is that going?” I actually completely forgot about Hector until Michael brought him up.

“Who’s Hector?” I teased and Michael laughed.

We walk a little more until were in the dark theatre room. Pete and Layla pic couple seats. Great thanks a lot for making this more into a date guys. I don’t want this to be weird between Michael and me.

I curse lightly under my breath while Michael takes the couple seat behind them. I sit down and smile at him.


“Yeah Mel?” he looks at me a little too focused.

“Um… is this some sort of date or something?” Okay I had to say it! I can’t stand being left not knowing things and if he likes me well I want to know.

“If you want it to be.” Smart move kid…

I look into his eyes. There really bright and he is really cute. LA isn’t too far from San Diego and maybe we could develop more in this relationship.

“Let’s try it out,” I say feeling very bold.

“I was hoping you would say that. You look very beautiful by the way Mel.” He put his hand into mine. I let him thankful he didn’t go for the arm over my head thing. Too far for now. I feel the awkwardness fade into warmth. His hand is quite rough and big compared to my smaller one.

“Thank you,” I finally reply.

The movie begins and I nestle closer to his shoulder. We stay like that for the rest of the movie, eating popcorn, and having small commentary towards the movie.

Midway in the movie Michael grabs my chin and makes me face him.

“Um… Michael what are you doing?”

“I want to kiss you Mel,” he whispers.

I feel my face get really hot and am thankful for the darkness. Before he pulls me closer I twist my head the other way. When I look back at him I see rejection displayed across his face.

“I’m sorry Michael. I do like you. I really do,” surprised at my words I pause. “But things are kind of going on right now in my life and I don’t know if we really should skip to kissing so quickly.”

“Well if that’s what you want. We don’t have to see each other anym—“I put my finger up to stop him.

“I’m not saying that silly.” I look at him meeting his eyes. “I just rather have a few more dates.” Okay sure call me a prude but my first kiss with a guy is rarely on the first date and some other random guy did just kiss me on my forehead this morning! So not only do I have Joe to worry about and my mother, now two guys who did or want to kiss me today? No way!

“Let’s take it slow okay?”

Michael sighs with relief. “I can do that.”

We stay silent for a little while and go back to our mini chat about the movie. It is really good and has a lot of action. No wonder Layla wanted action. It was most likely for the guys. I shake my head softly. How did I not pick that up?

When the movie is over I’m bouncing all over the place feeling extremely hyper and happy with how today ended. I skip around with Michael and he laughs at my silliness. Layla hooks my arm and we walk away from the guys.

“Do you love me or do you love me?” she smiles.

“I’m definitely hot for you right now.” I wink teasingly at her. She is a really good friend. Bringing Michael here may have been awkward and odd at first but he is still a great friend and he did say things can go slow!

We walk to this little shop outside of the movie theatre and start looking at some jewelry. I skip towards some earrings when I skid to a stop.

Darcy is here…


Darcy and Michael in the same place? Dun Dun Dun!!!

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