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Okay I am sorry readers/followers again… I get busy! So last chapter ended with a kiss from Darcy and Melanie. Wooo! Kisses are always welcomed but… well you all will see. ;)


Darcy and I are driving down an empty road and it is now 11pm. Usually I love the dark essence the night brings me because I always find myself more awake at this time than early in the morning. However, tonight the night only brings shivers and goose bumps that aren’t from me being cold.

Darcy and I kissed… I can’t believe I kissed him. Aren’t I moving a little too fast? Maybe slow… According to Layla, probably slow, but according to my mom… Haha yeah fast definitely. I should dig into this guy’s life! I barely know him and have already kissed him!


“Yes Mel?”

“What is your relation to Joe? I mean I remember the first day we met; you said something about how you have your own issues with him… What kind of issues exactly?”

I look over at Darcy and am surprised a little to see his face very strained. He always had a calm façade to his face.

“Let’s just say Joe messed with my family…” I wait for him to continue but he doesn’t.

“He has the tendency to do that…” I wait again to see if he replies. Again he doesn’t. God this guy must have huge wall up, then again who doesn’t? “Like what in particular?” I say softly, trying to be consoling to whatever pain he is holding back.

He sighs softly. He continues to look at the road and drive smoothly. We have been driving for a while now. The main building must be farther than that other building I was at.

“You don’t have to tell me Darcy. Trust me I get the whole keeping things to myself deal.”

“I know you do and I hate that you do understand.”


“Because then that means you were probably almost as deeply scarred as I was when we were young. And that Melanie is an awful gut wrenching feeling. I know your pain, not exactly but I hate that you had to go through such pain.”

“Look Darcy, thanks for your empathy but I don’t need your pity. My pain has subsided over the years and sure it stings but that doesn’t mean what he did to me wasn’t all bad.”

“Cause you grew stronger from it?”


He chuckles. I like his chuckle.

“I like strong girls. I am glad to have found you Mel.” He looks at me for the first time since the car ride and I see a genuine smile. I smile back at him.

“So… what other secrets do you have Mel?”

“No no no,” I smile a little. “You tell me a secret of yours first than I go.”

“Fine.” He says reluctantly. “I met Joe when I was 5 years old. Now you.”

I open my eyes horrified, really hoping this doesn’t go to where I think it is…

“I met Joe when I was 6, guess he like them young.”

“He didn’t molest me Mel, if that’s what you’re thinking.”


“No.” I sigh relieved he didn’t have to endure that.

“But he did molest my mother, my sister, and my brother.”

“What???” I ask horrified, yet again.

“Now you…” he says with a shaky breath.

“My brother knew… He never helped me though because Joe gave him money to stay quiet.”



“My god I want to punch your brother so badly. What an ass and coward.”


“Want to stop Melanie?”


Silence deepens over the next 15 minutes that pass. His whole family and my brother. Why did this have to happen?


“Yes Melanie?”

“I’m sorry. I am so deeply sorry. How did you know though?”

“He would rape them in front of me. He never got to me though because I ran away. I ran away to the police and told them about it.”

“Then what happened?”

“That will be another time Melanie. We are here.”

I look out the dark window and see lights all around a large gray building. There is a concrete pathway. I look at the main entrance and see Joe.

“Remember what I said right? Ignore all the secrets. You hate me with all your heart got it?”

“Of course…” I say feeling my heart twist. Hate is not what I feel at all.

Not at all…

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