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Yay! You chose to read my second chapter. Thank you so much and enjoy!


I look at the man, taking in what he just said and trying to not freak out. I look out the window to compose myself. My... uncle is here? What the heck?! What is he doing at a University first of all? I thought I was done with him. I mentally cringed at the idea of seeing him.

When I look back at the man, he looks slightly confused. I realize I haven’t responded in a while, so I clear my throat.

“Did he ask what this visit was for?” I question him without a waver on my voice. I sound better than I feel at least.

“He said it was of some family importance.”

Ohhh smart move Joe. He knows I will do almost anything for my family. Never telling my mother was for her own sake. It would hurt her so badly. Joe is her brother! What he did to me was obviously sickening.

I look down at my Frappuccino frowning for a little bit. I no longer have an appetite for it which is definitely not a good sign. I sigh loudly.

“Take me to him then,” I say without the amount of confidence I hoped for. He nods curtly and I arise from my seat with slightly shaky legs. We get out of Starbucks and I start having all these crazy thoughts in my head. Maybe I can run away. No that’s silly. This office guy, wait what are these people called? Advisors? Guidance counselor? Ehh lets go with advisor. Sounds smart.

I chuckle at my rambling realizing it is completely inappropriate for what was going on at the time. Guess I’ll just have to deal with this.

Within the next unfortunate quick 5 minutes. Were in the main building and I see him.

All 6 feet of his disgusting body. I narrow my eyes at him not caring who sees and I see him smile a little. He always enjoyed me defying him. I shiver slightly.

I walk closer to him and ask in a hiss, “What the hell do you want?”

He looks at me without flinching, and walks towards a more private area that is still relatively public in the office building. We sit on some rectangular seats and I sit as far as I can from him.

I don’t want anyone to think I hate him. My personal life is my business and no one else’s, so I might as well act as if this visit is somewhat normal.

“Melanie,” I hate the way he says my name, “I need your help.”

“I look at him shocked. He has to be kidding me right? How dare he think I would ever help his sorry ass! He can rot in hell for all I care.

“What the hell do you want from me? You deserve nothing.”

“Look Melanie. I know I’ve done things to you, no uncle should ever do to his niece but I’m in deep trouble and well your mother has money…” He sounds sincere but I know this man more than I wish and what is socially acceptable.

I laugh.

“First of all, you’re pathetic. Secondly, this question serves no purpose because you know I’d never do anything for you so if you will excuse me.” I begin to get up wanting to get out of this situation feeling emotions I kept away since I was a child but before I could get very far his next words hold me still.

“I had a feeling your cooperation would need to be forced. Melanie I will hurt your mother.” I whip my head around so fast I get whiplash and cry out softly.

“You wouldn’t! She is your sister!” I whisper at him angrily.

“And your my niece,” he winks. “Nothing stopped me from doing what I did to you.” I sit back down feeling defeat. I have to find a way out of this.

“Why do you need the money?”

He clears his throat slightly.

“I have this business that you shouldn’t worry about. I will need about 100,000 dollars to cover up some debt my workers happen to collect over the years.”

“What kind of business, Joe? You better tell me or no money.”

“You will find out very soon sweet Melanie,” He winks at me again. I cringe. Before I could reply he states quickly, “I gotta go. I will fill you on some more information later on. It’s getting late and I see your cooperation won’t be an issue anymore.”

I stiffen as he gets up. I want to speak but it seems like I just can’t. I don’t want to be in his presence any longer and talking to him will only lead to that.

I get up, facing him.

“Bye sweetie,” he says. I walk away from him wishing for a warm bath, feeling dirty all of a sudden. Guess some things never change…


Once I’m done with my bath I walk into my dorm. Money is a nice thing to have so my dorm I basically a mini apartment complex. I only share it with Layla thankfully so it is very roomy.

I lay on my bed feeling the need to just cry but I will myself not to.

Once I get started sometimes I can’t stop and I haven’t cried in a while, so I rather not begin.

I hear my phone ring and without looking at the caller ID I put it to my ear.

“Hello?” I croak.

“Mel? Hey it’s Michael. Are you okay? You sound a little off.” The sound of Michael’s voice fills me with relief. Michael had been a friend of mine since high school. He lives in California as well but while I study in San Diego, he studies in Los Angeles. He loved that scene so hey why not live some place you can see celebrities?

“Hey Michael!” I say feeling happier. “Nothing is really wrong. You know just a little tired since it’s the end of the day.”

I hated lying. I hated lying to anyone but hell no will this guy know about what is going on with my complicated life right now.

“Mel…” he says skeptically, “I am studying Phycology you know. I can tell when people lie know a days.”

“Oh shut up,” I laugh, “Just cause your studying that doesn’t mean you’re some sort of badass now.”

He laughs, “Yeah I guess no one can be just as cool as you huh?” he says teasingly. Warmth fills me. This is no lovey dovey warm feeling. It is more of a friendship between Michael and I and it always has been. We have had our past, teasing each other and the occasional flirting but never anything serious.

I like what we have. A friendship and a friendship is exactly what I need to distract me from Joe.

“Of course I am! C’mon it’s me,” I laugh again and we begin to catch up. He tells me about his school life and I listen expectantly. We talk for the next hour and a half when I hear my door open.

Layla walks in giggling so that must mean her and Pete had a nice conversation.

I smile, happy for her.

“Hey Michael. I’ll call you back. Layla just walked through the door and I think she wants to talk.”

“Oh yeah go ahead Mel!”

“Okay bye”

“Hey Mel?” he stops me from hitting the end button.


“I miss you,” he sounds a little hesitant saying this.

“I miss you too Michael” I say cheerfully so he is reassured that I didn’t find that weird.

“Laters!” He states, no longer hesitant and hang up.

I smile. It is nice to be missed. Layla looks at me questioningly but I wave her off with my hand.

I look at Layla knowing what she wants me to ask. Best friends much?

“So Pete buttered you up again?”

Layla goes into her story not missing a single detail since she is so overjoyed by their good status now.

I listen carefully, but my thoughts roamed inevitably back to Joe here and there.

If only I could tell Layla.

The SecretTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon