Dark Abyss

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Sorry this is a short chapter guys! It's pretty thrilling if I do say so myself!


Darcy is here?! I tear my eyes away from his face hiding behind a counter holding some sparkly shoes. Okay first of all what is he doing in a girly store like this one? Second of all what is he doing here in general! I look over at his tall figure once more and see his back is towards me. He picks up a blue headband, examining it. Maybe he has a daughter or something.

I look over at Layla who seems to be too preoccupied by some bracelets and when I look back to Darcy his eyes meet mine.

He opens his mouth a little, obviously shocked by our encounter and starts to walk towards me. I stand my ground knowing somehow I was going to have to face him eventually.

"Melanie. It is interesting to see you here." He smirks.

"I could say the same about you. You are in a very girly store after all." I reply with spite. Okay sure he kissed my forehead which was quite sweet but that doesn't mean he is trustworthy.

"Melanie. Joe is really getting impatient with the money situation you know."

I sigh. I guess this date wasn't too much of a distraction after all.

"Look Darcy... Why don't you tell my uncle to find some money from someplace else? I can't just take money from my mother and she doesn't have too much after spending it on my college. Besides didn't you say you would help me?" I glare at him. Seems like this conversation points to what side Darcy is on.

"Melanie. I want to help. I really do but Joe is well... Joe. I think I can find the money however."

"How?" I ask bewildered.

"Don't you worry darling." He looks at me with warmth in his eyes. Maybe Darcy isn't so bad after all.

"Why are you even helping me though?"

He ponders looking conflicted. He shrugs.

"Guess I have some empathy towards you."

"And why is that?"

He looks at me pain striking his face that is quickly covered up by a nonchalant stare. His eyes bore into mine when he replies, "I just know." At that moment I believe him. Then he says something I didn't expect.

"You need to watch where you're going. He has other people. I heard him saying earlier today that someone may try and kidnap you."

"What?" I say abashed. Kidnap... me? Oh no.


"Mel! Is this guy bothering you?" Michael comes up behind me throwing his arm protectively around my waist.

"Michael, this is Darcy and he is not bothering me." I look at Darcy seeing anger in his eyes towards Michael. Guys are just so full of their own testosterone!

"Nice to meet you Michael." Darcy holds out his hand matching the one that Michael has around my waist. Michael nods his head ignoring his hand and tightens his grip around my waist.

"Feelings mutual. C'mon Mel." Michael and I start walking towards Pete and Layla out of the shop. When I look back at Darcy he looks at me and mouths something I didn't quite understand. It may have been the word, be careful.


When Michael and I reach my dorm he looks down at me with concern in his eyes.

"You sure you're going to be okay here alone?" I nod at him, taking his hand and squeezing it gently to reassure him. Layla is sleeping over at Pete's dorm. This university is pretty lenient towards that because most dorms are co-ed anyways.

"Yes I'm sure." I look at him. "I had a great day with you. Really thank you for coming, it's a shame you already have to go back to LA tomorrow."

Michael smiles down at me, happy with what he is hearing most likely.

"I enjoyed my day with you too Melanie." He leans down closer to my face and kisses my cheek, near my lips. I almost want to kiss him on his lips but I just smile at him and head inside my dorm needing to be alone after everything that has been going on.

Once I shut the door I head to my restroom and stop abruptly when I hear something... or someone.

I almost open my mouth to whisper hello but then I think back to all those scary movies where the stupid girl does that and just gets killed in the end. I rather not die so I keep my mouth shut. I start to walk towards the kitchen when I feel someone's hand on my mouth and a body pressed to my back. I shriek but it's more of a muffled sound. I breathe desperately into the rag and smell an odd distinct smell. Moments later I feel myself fall into a dark abyss.

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