New Face

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Sorry for the very long wait. My internet wasn't working for awhile and I got very busy! I need motivation for this story again! Ahhh... Well enjoy :) Excuse grammatcial errors. 

“Darcy! You are going to kill him!” I watch in horror as Darcy plummets his fists harder and harder into Michael’s face. I try to move my body closer to Darcy but knowing his strength versus mine, won’t do much.

“Darcy!” I scream louder this time and he abruptly stops. Michael is on the floor with a bleeding nose and blood beneath his skull.

“Did you kill him?” I ask looking at Darcy, unsure of what I should feel at the moment.

“No. Melanie calm down. Joe will have to believe me. He wants you alive to give you up as a prize to a certain customer. So I will have to tell him Michael tried to kill you. Back me up on that ok?”

I nod slightly.

“Are you okay Melanie?”

“I’m fine. I should only have some bruises on my neck and shoulders. He thankfully did not get to really touch me…”

“Ugh I am so sorry Mel. This was never supposed to happen. It’s like bad things will always inevitably happen to you.”

“It’s okay.”

“No it isn’t!”

“Darcy.” I put my hands on his shoulders. “Calm down! Look what just happened is not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

Darcy puts his hands over his face. I hug him hard but he doesn’t return it. He must be so angry with himself.

“240.” I whisper gently. Darcy nods and I look behind him seeing Michael’s pool of blood growing. Then another man comes in. I don’t recognize him, but following him is Joe and before he sees us I instantly release Darcy cowering into the corner of the white room.

“Take Michael out. Darcy you come with me. Henry! See Melanie out into her room.”

Henry comes and grabs my arm roughly. Seems like I can’t get a break around these men…


No time! No time is what I have! No time for Darcy, no time to shower. No time for personal space. I have no time for myself! I lay on my bed feeling my eyes get hot and wet with tears that continuously spill over. There is no stopping them. I hear a knock on my door and I groan loudly so whoever is out there knows they are not welcome.

Knock knock!

I get up and open the door.

“Why knock you know the door is open.”

“Because I actually try to be polite to a newcomer...” says a woman an older woman walking in with no hesitation and sitting on my bed. I close my door frantic to why this odd woman is here.

“Um who are you?”

“My name is Kiara.” She smiles warmly at me and that’s when I really look at her. She has warm brown eyes with a pretty dark tan complexion and full lips any girl would love. I find myself instantly comfortable with her. She seems nurturing.

“Melanie,” I say with a less shaky breath. “The name is Melanie. Can we um do this? See each other?”

“Of course we can. Well only on our floor at least. As long as we don’t escape or seem as if we are trying to escape, Joe and his men are quite lenient to us girls roaming around on our floor. They give us food and hygiene. Of course hygiene is for the men to not be disgusted, that’s why we give so much money to Joe’s company. Hardly any of us are beaten.”

“You make this sound like heaven.” I scoff at her.

She laughs a small sweet laugh. “Trust me I’ve been in worse conditions. This is heaven to where I was before.”

“Can I ask you questions then about well everything?”

“Go right ahead.”

“All right this is probably going to be the highlight of my stay here so lets make this into a game. 20 questions cool?”

Kiara laughs again and nods. “I like you enthusiasm.”

“Trust me it won’t last…” I look away.

“Full name?”

“Kiara Wellford, yours?”

“Alright we shall alternate then. Mine is Melanie Aries.”

“Nice name, my turn to ask.” Nice twist…

“Umm,” she hesitates. “Your age?”


“I’m 27.”

“So age doesn’t matter here?”

“First of all 3rd question, I like to keep count. 2nd of all no. Unfortunately girls from 13 to until relatively late 30s.”

“13 year old girls are here???”


I feel my eyes water at the thought of such young girls here, abducted from their families and losing their innocence at too young of an age!

“Cruel world…”

“Indeed Melanie. Where are you from?”

“Well originally I am from around here, born in LA. You?”

“From New Orleans.”

“That far huh?”


“Okay last question for tonight Melanie because I got to go already, unfortunately we can’t stay too long in another girl’s dorm.”

“Okay,” I say determined to make this a good one. “Do you now Darcy?”

“Darcy?” She looks away and is silent. Few moments pass and she still says nothing.

“Um… Kiara?” I ask, worried.

“Darcy… is who brought me here…” 

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