Chapter 12

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"Are you going to come in or not, either way I'm getting payed. Your stuff is on your assigned chair. You should put it on" He looked at me with a stern look. He could tell I was frustrated with his method of trying to turn us straight. This was suppose to be a place of business, a place where anyone could come and express their feelings and thoughts, but it feels like the more i am here, the more I realize that it's really a straight camp. Or at least that's what it feels like to me. I check to see what Carter said. " Heyy buzzkill wassup. Where are you do you want to meet up I woud like to clear up som things if u dont mind." Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to meet up with her. But first there was something to be done about this. "Look Doctor. This is unforgivable on my part. I refuse to wear such clothes and put on makeup even if it is to make a point. You are really being a stereotypical asshole right now". Soon as I said that word everyone turned to look at me. I was to angry to notice them so I continued. "The fact that you think that all gay people are like that is sad. I don't care how many degrees you may have or how smart you are. To me, at this point in my life, whatever shard of respect I did had for you is gone now. You are worst than scum and I really hope you rot in hell." Everyone continued to look but I didn't care. Now it was time for me to end this with a bang. " I know you really think that that's who we are. That's who the LGBT community is and its people like you that makes this world a living nightmare for us. I hope someone hurt you as much as you are hurting us now." I noticed the red stain before I noticed the pain in my leg. My leg was bleeding again and I wanted to say a lot more but I really need to wrap my leg up again and take my medicine. I rushed to my car, slamming all the doors in my way. As I rewrap myself I decided to text Carter back. "Where?" Just as I sent it she replies. "Meet me at the park I'm already there." I didn't mind meeting her as long as she was mentally prepared to hear me vent.

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